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Interior Design and Art - Looking for input and advice

Discussion in 'Interior Design' started by bubbawny, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
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    NE Texas
    Another option would be Holiday cards !! I did a few for a gallery here. Your Christmas themed cards would be perfect for that. Do the painting on watercolor paper cut to size, with center fold, and sheet of good quality paper to write on inside. Staple at center line and one envelope. They can then be framed after the holiday in 5 X 7 frame for an original art piece. Be sure to sign it. Mine sold between $10. and $20. and didn`t have enough done. Mine was wildlife art. Hummingbirds sell great but are tricky to do well.
  2. sanderson

    sanderson New Seed

    Sep 17, 2013
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    When it comes to decorating my home, I like to use things that are not only eye-catching, but also easy to be changed often. I am always re-decorating my living spaces and have found the best route for the art work I choose is in the form of removable wall decals. These seem to be a huge trend right now as people are looking for easy fix options that will add a pop and also not cause for more work to be done when they are removed!

    moderator's note: removed website link, see point 1.1 of usage rules
  3. Kwik Picture Framing

    Kwik Picture Framing New Seed

    Aug 23, 2013
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    Bradford UK
    Whilst I'm not a huge fan of the picture you put up here, I have had a look on your blog and there seems to be some very good quality paintings on there.

    I do tend to decorate my own home with original art, so I definitely think there is a place in the market for your artwork.

    One piece of advice though, try and display your artwork at least in a mount when showing it as it makes the art stand out more. You can then sell the piece including the mount and the purchaser then just needs to source the correct sized frame.

    Most people think mounts are just white, but they come in a huge variety of colours which can really make a piece of artwork stand out.

    I'm sure if you do a Google search for your local area you'll find a picture framing company willing to cut and sell you the appropriate size of mount.

    Best of look with selling the paintings, if you start selling online I might even grab one myself :-D

    moderator's note: removed website link, see point 1.1 of usage rules

    Photo mounts ( photo / image / picture from Kwik Picture Framing's Garden )
  4. barchimasta

    barchimasta New Seed

    Apr 10, 2014
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    New York
    Well, I will answer to the question "do people today...average people...want real art anymore? or is that a bygone era?" Most of people today prefer more modern kind of interiors where only abstract art doest a great job. However, this are usualy low and mid-cost living spaces. On the other hand, all the luxurious places include art in some form. And I mean the original painting, not a dublicate or a printed copy. Of course, such places are very, very expensive, but they often reflect true taste of perfection. That's why in such kind of interiors art is appreciated much.

    And yes, I believe that it should be like that, it should be expensive becauce then the good taste can be kept under control. Do you agree?

    moderator's note: removed unnecessary quoting of previous post

  5. ellaloo

    ellaloo Seedling

    Jul 16, 2013
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    art can add elegant to home, it's a good way to home improvement. You can try all kinds of art theme: scenery, people, nature, animal.....

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