I have asked this question before but not in here and i still don't have an answer so please please help....I have planted some everyday bramble runners and I tended to them very well gave lots of water and food and kept them trimmed back, this year i had a really good crop of berry's, my question is this, what is the difference between my bramble and a blackberry that i might have bought from the local garden centre? I know you can get thornless varieties but is my bramble a blackberry? many thanks.
Hi there, The wild bramble is Rubus Vulgaris and the blackberry is Rubus Fruiticosus. As you can see they are from the same family. Brambles are actually blackberries and vice versa the only difference being that blackberries are the cultivated plants bought in nurseries or garden centres. I hope this answers your question for you Deadlart. :-D
I guess we run it together over here - we just call any portion of the plant a 'blackberry bramble'. The Himalayan blackberry grows wild all over the place here and is considered a nuisance, though I have seen other cane-berries for sale in nurseries, such as raspberry and loganberry. I would say if it grows blackberries, then it is a blackberry bramble. :-D
I have them all over my yard and pasture and do my best to kill them. They come up in my flower beds all over.I have almost the same problems with prickly Pear.I dig them out and burn them if you mow over a prickly pear it chops up into small pieces maybe 10 or 12 and you have that many new plants same with blackberry vines.
well thank you all for that i think that has answered my question very well, I will continue to nurture my bramble and give it the official title of blackberry. I have the same problem with them being very invasive, thats why i decided to try to make a better use of them. Hope fully gonna have a go at blackberry wine.