Those planters are really lovely Calin. I like the white pebbles against the green of the Sempervivums. They show the plants off nicely. Well done!! :-D
Oh wow that looks awesome! What are the metal strips for, Cal? And I assume there's soil under the white pebbles? Like Eileen, I love the color contrast between the pebbles and the plant.
I guess you made sure they were well secured before putting them on the ledge, huh? :-D They look great!
Yea, my older brother is an electrician. They use there bands at his work. We used them to secure the troughs. They are a bit wider (by 2 inches) than the ledge underneath. And since I live on the 8th floor, I don't want to cause any accidents to those walking on the sidewalk.
Wow! Such a great idea! It looks lovely and looks perfect for people who don't have much space to garden. I may have to try making something similar next year.
Glad you like it Ava. I would also like to make some more, but for now, I am waiting for next spring to see how they hold on... whole idea is not to crack, fall apart. etc Would be nice to see what others are creating around the world! Good luck
Cement, sand, perlite, peat (we don't have other stuff like sphagnum or what's in a recipe - so I had to improvise... used peat, let it dry for a while, cause it's wet in the big bag, and then i sifted it.... throwing the big parts). Now... time will tell!
Very nice Calinromania,good choice of plants and materials.You mentioned that you would like to see what others around the world are doing...well, this is how I have used a broken flower pot and created a little garden complete with fisherperson,it is a talking piece on the outdoor table. One of the cacti is in flower which makes it more interesting. It is from one broken pot, the smaller piece inside the larger. It took about 8mths to get the little pieces of plant to take root and begin to spread and look like a real landscape. It does dry out quickly so a different potting mix would have been a good idea.Something with water holding properties. Cactus garden ( photo / image / picture from chocolate's Garden )
Wow... Now that is great. I wish I had thought about such a thing when I had a few broken pots around. One summer day dad brought home a big tractor loaded with something (can't remember) and the driver+tractor drove over some of the pots. Mom was angrier than me... but once something's done, what's the point crying over it ??? BUT they were all nice clay pots...and not too cheap either
Well, my troughs survived winter (wasn't that cold anyway) and the Sempervivum are just too cute. Too bad I have some pots by the window and I can't open the windows to admire them each day. Here's some pics with them. If you check my first post, you can see how the've grown and changed colors.