Where Our Gardening Happens.

Discussion in 'Flower Gardening' started by Sydney Smith, Dec 6, 2013.

  1. Jewell

    Jewell Incorrigible Gardener Plants Contributor

    Dec 17, 2008
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    Puget Sound Region of the Pacific NW,Zone7b
    Sydney, Jane, Donna and Cherylad it is fun getting to see snapshots of everyone's gardens.

    Here is a snap of our patio this summer that got partially cover with a 8x8 sitting shed. The green beans were harvested and I planted clematis in the corners of the shed for summer shade this next year.

    Place to sit and enjoy ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

    The phlox, hydrengea and perennials made substantial borders for the little pathways that trek through the yard.

    Lots of phlox ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )
    Backyard blooming ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

    The new woodland garden filled in nicely and like the front yard will get some redo this next year.

    Elegance hosta (I think) and impatiences ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

    Fragrant bouquet hostas and hellebores ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

    Lots of branches lining the beds. They have worked well keeping the dogs on the paths.

    ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

    Woodland area from the low area looking east ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

    Woodland area from the back high spot ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

    The woodland garden will fill in even better its second year. The sweet woodruff has traveled in one bed under the fence and will need some removal. With bed revisions in the front and back yards I will be having to do some major time management. :stew1:
    Frank, Sjoerd, Droopy and 4 others like this.
  2. Philip Nulty

    Philip Nulty Strong Ash

    Nov 25, 2010
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    The Midlands,Ireland
    Hi Jewell,..that third picture is a winner,..like you would see on a chocolate box,..your garden in all looks lovely,..doggy included of course.
    carolyn likes this.
  3. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    I agree with Philip. That is a wonderful picture.
  4. cherylad

    cherylad Countess of Cute-ification Plants Contributor

    May 5, 2009
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    S. Liberty County - Texas (8B)
    Jewell... your place is beautiful! I love the branches as path borders. So natural. :smt023

  5. Jewell

    Jewell Incorrigible Gardener Plants Contributor

    Dec 17, 2008
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    Puget Sound Region of the Pacific NW,Zone7b
    Philip, Cherylad and Carolyn thanks for the compliments. I will be dividing and moving phlox this spring for more flowers. They have such a nice fragrance and I am partial to the pinks and purples. Hopefully the hostas and ferns in the woodland area will fill in more. Woodland areas in nature don't have bare areas around here so I would love to replicate that with a mix of ornamentals and natives. It will be interesting how it develops this year.
  6. Sydney Smith

    Sydney Smith In Flower

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Hi Jewell - all. Have already praised yours and the other gardens shown - now may I do exactly that again. All of them are so lovely and so much thought and work has gone into them all. Speaking of these latest pics of yours I am also a great Phlox fan, I grow three or four but if I could would certainly grow more - thanks for sharing.
    Its a nice sunny morning here thus far so will take a camera for a walk and get some more pics of our "outdoors". Wish I were able to send more pics of individual plants and groups on my plot but that will now have to wait until next season - in sorting them I managed to delete most. I have a few pics of my last garden on a disc somewhere which may be interesting - if I can find will send a couple.
    Best wishes. Syd.
  7. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Here's my place ... this is what you see when coming down the road. We are surrounded by pasture and hay fields
    ( photo / image / picture from Netty's Garden )
    We have a long driveway
    ( photo / image / picture from Netty's Garden )
    Visitors are often surprised by the gardens around the house, as they are not at all visible from the road
    ( photo / image / picture from Netty's Garden )
    ( photo / image / picture from Netty's Garden )
    ( photo / image / picture from Netty's Garden )

    ( photo / image / picture from Netty's Garden )
    ( photo / image / picture from Netty's Garden )
    We have some nosy neighbors too!

    ( photo / image / picture from Netty's Garden )
    If we are lucky, we get a naturally made skating rink at the front of the property in the winter!
    ( photo / image / picture from Netty's Garden )
    Sjoerd, Droopy, Jewell and 6 others like this.
  8. cherylad

    cherylad Countess of Cute-ification Plants Contributor

    May 5, 2009
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    S. Liberty County - Texas (8B)
    Netty... your home and gardens are beautiful! There was a discussion the other day about gardening magazines and how some of the gardens they show must be photoshopped.
    Your's are sooooo magazine-worthy... and we know it's a live & breathing REAL garden. :stew2:
    Love the last photo of (I'm assuming) your daughter skating.
  9. Jewell

    Jewell Incorrigible Gardener Plants Contributor

    Dec 17, 2008
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    Puget Sound Region of the Pacific NW,Zone7b
    Syd, I am so sorry to hear about your loss of photos. Maybe someone can retrieve them that knows computers.

    Netty, i have always enjoyed your garden photos, but I never realized how totally surrounded by farm land you were. Very picturesque and reminds me of some areas I lived growing up. No one ever had gardens like yours though. With such extensive gorgeous beds do you have hundreds of minions laboring in the garden round the clock? I have been in botanical parks not nearly as nice as your garden. Awesome job!
    Loved seeing the girls and pond. Makes winter, cold, snow and ice look like a lot of fun :-D
  10. Sydney Smith

    Sydney Smith In Flower

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Hi Jewell - all. All these beautiful gardens and all that lovely lovely space - I am envious but of course delighted for the owners and admire all the effort that went into/goes into them.
    Had a walk round the immediate local woods etc yesterday and took a few pics - will attach a few. Disappointed my other topics seem to have run out of steam - had so much more to talk about.

    ( photo / image / picture from Sydney Smith's Garden )

    ( photo / image / picture from Sydney Smith's Garden )

    ( photo / image / picture from Sydney Smith's Garden )

    ( photo / image / picture from Sydney Smith's Garden )

    ( photo / image / picture from Sydney Smith's Garden )

    ( photo / image / picture from Sydney Smith's Garden )
    Droopy, Jewell, Kay and 2 others like this.
  11. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Syd, those are lovely photos. I can really appreciate trees as the ones that surrounded our property when we purchased it were removed shortly after we moved in. We are surrounded completely by one farmer, that decided to remove all the hedge rows just after we moved in. This left our house completely exposed to the winds and weather. I have lost track of how many trees I have planted around the property to get some of that back. I can't afford to purchase large trees, so everything has been planted small and now I have to wait for them to mature. I might also add that with the destruction of the hedge rows there were no birds around for years. NONE! With careful planting of many trees, shrubs and plants I can now say that the birds have returned!
    Thank you Cherylad and Jewell, for your kind words, they are very flattering. I can honestly say the gardens are completely the work of one person - ME!
    It has always been a dream of mine to have my gardens featured in a garden magazine, so saying they are "magazine worthy" means more than you know. :)
    Cayuga Morning likes this.
  12. TheBip

    TheBip Young Pine

    Mar 25, 2007
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    Columbus, IN zone 6a
    I had some other pics of the house during summer, but I cant find them right now. So here's a winter pic :)
    My house ( photo / image / picture from TheBip's Garden )

    Our neighborhood. We live in the suburbs of Indianapolis. 1 block north of us is the county line.
    Moms neighborhood ( photo / image / picture from TheBip's Garden )

    The backyard is a good size yard, and an odd shape, so it takes a few pics to show the whole of it. Whats annoying is the front of the house faces southwest and the back faces northeast. So trying to figure out which direction Im facing can be a challenge haha

    Southwest corner.
    Ill be making a (bigger) bed here next year.
    Spring 2014 project ( photo / image / picture from TheBip's Garden )

    Northwest (northeast? gah!) corner of shed (we call it the mini barn). This area is all shade in the summer (well, less so now that a lot of the tree branches have been removed). Ill be turning this area into another woodland garden :)
    ( photo / image / picture from TheBip's Garden )

    Behind the shed
    ( photo / image / picture from TheBip's Garden )

    ( photo / image / picture from TheBip's Garden )

    I know I have a pic of the bed I put in this area this year, but I cant find it. So heres a Before pic :)
    ( photo / image / picture from TheBip's Garden )

    Summer 2013 Project ( photo / image / picture from TheBip's Garden )
    Droopy and Jewell like this.
  13. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Bip, I love your summer project! I do hope you will show the progress of this garden next year! :)
  14. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Netty, I am astounded by your gardens! By all means, call the local newspaper or a regional publication and tell them to come take a look. They will be astounded, too!
    Bip, I love seeing "gardens in the making." Your plans will make your home gorgeous-er!
  15. cherylad

    cherylad Countess of Cute-ification Plants Contributor

    May 5, 2009
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    S. Liberty County - Texas (8B)
    Looks like Bip has big plans over there. Going to be soooo nice when your beds get established.

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