Our Vacation Almost Ending!

Discussion in 'Member's Gallery' started by KK Ng, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. KK Ng

    KK Ng Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2009
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    Malacca, Malaysia.
    March 29
    Our host and hostess took us for a look see adventure to Moreton Bay Regionwhich is about 45km north of Brisbane. Today is Good Friday the start of Festival of Sails in this area and the highlight is the Brisbane to Gladstone yacht race. It is indeed a very big event, the beaches were packed with people, with lots of beautiful yachts and boats of all shape and sizes can be seen just off the shore. We were unable to park and get out of the car to join the crowd because it was just jam pack and it wasn’t a good idea. It was indeed an experience to be here at this time even though no photos taken.
    We had our lunch away from the crowd in this place called The Full Moon Hotel and it was almost full when we arrived.

    Lunch Place ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )

    Fish and Chips ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )

    Some kind of Pie ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )

    Papadelle ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )

    Grilled Fish ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )

    After lunch and some wondering around we went back to Brisbane and had a wonderful BBQ dinner.

    The BBQ ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )

    The Cheffie! ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )

    The Dinners ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )

    The Best Lamb Chopped ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )

    The Salads ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )

    A lovely combination ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )

    The lamb was fantastic it just melts in your mouth. Never in my life have I ever eaten lamb that is so nice, tender and juicy. Before I only had lamb back home and they were never tender … I guess they must be mutton sold as lamb.

    March 30.

    Today we headed towards Sunshine coast and the first stop was Eumundi Markets. Being a long weekend I think it was much more crowded than it normally was. We had to park quite a distance away and there were free shuttle service from the parking area to the market area and vice versa.

    Dick Caplick Statueunder repair ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )

    Inside Eumundi Heritage & Visitor Centre ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )

    The Market ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )

    Happy Bunny :-D ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )

    One for the album :) ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )

    Lovely fresh veggies ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )

    Interesting Quotes ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )

    The Crowd ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )

    It was interesting and we headed to the Sunshine Coast for lunch.

    Fisherman Platter ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )

    Fisherman Platter ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )

    The Sunshine Coast ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )

    March 31

    It was a very important and exciting day for us because we were going to Gold Coastto meet up with one of the Stewbies from down under, Chocolate. We used the train and followed the instructions given as to which station to get off. It was really nice of her to invite us and we indeed had a wonderful day.

    The Journey Begins ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )

    On the way :) ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )

    Where is the train??? ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )

    Chocolate and partner came to the station to pick us up and after some introduction, we were all chatting away. Her home is comfy and beautiful and we were fed with tower and towers of sandwich of different fillings … I’m kicking myself for not taking any photos of those delicious sandwiches.

    With Chocolate and partner ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )

    Yummie Fruit Salad ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )

    Beautiful Garden – Flowers and Edible ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )

    Later we were taken for a tour around the [ur=http://www.goldcoast.qld.gov.au/default.htmll]Gold Coast city[/url] and the beach areas too. We learned something very interesting that part of Gold Coast is in Queensland and New South Walesand there is a marker in the city to show it. This is very interesting like for example, if you are staying on one side and working on the other or if your house is on either side of the border.

    Sign post with many signs ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )

    The city ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )

    Wheel Of Surfers Paradise ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden )

    A day well spent, thank you so much for a lovely day Chocolate and partner, wish we have more time. :)

    Next the final week!
    Philip Nulty, carolyn and donm like this.
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  3. chocolate

    chocolate In Flower

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Thankyou for coming, you were both most welcome,Kerry and I had a fun day too but you are right...not enough time.
  4. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    I'm so pleased that you all met up and had such a wonderful time together. :D
  5. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    What a spectacular vacation KK. So nice that Chocolate and you could meet and have a great time, too.

  6. cherylad

    cherylad Countess of Cute-ification Plants Contributor

    May 5, 2009
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    S. Liberty County - Texas (8B)
    I knew I should have eaten breakfast before looking at any of your vacation photos. You seem to pick the most deliciously-looking dishes! And pick very interesting sites to visit.
    It's always so nice to here about special Stewbie get-togethers!
  7. Philip Nulty

    Philip Nulty Strong Ash

    Nov 25, 2010
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    The Midlands,Ireland
    Great pictures KK,..and nice to see our "Chocolate and OH",..did Chocolate notice the interesting quotes?,..one read,.."Chocolate makes your clothes shrink",.. :D.

    KK i could go on holiday with you and your wife and be very pleased with the fantastic food dishes alone,.. :) but keep smiling the both of you,..what a great holiday you both had,..and meeting with Chocolate made it the more interesting.
  8. KK Ng

    KK Ng Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2009
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    Malacca, Malaysia.
    Thank you Chocolate, it was wonderful.

    Thank you Eileen.

    Thank you Carolyn and I wish I am still on the vacation. Chocolate was great to make the visit wonderful. :-D

    :D Thanks Cherylad, yes Stewbies get-togethers is special and interesting.

    Thanks Philip ... we bought lots of Australian chocolate to bring home and they were delicious ... I WANT MORE!!! :D
    You are most welcome to join us and food is the fringe benefits of travelling ... :-D
    Philip Nulty likes this.
  9. chocolate

    chocolate In Flower

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Philip..yes I did see some of the quotes and had a bit of a smile,

    just as a point of interest,
    this is written on a plaque hanging on our verandah

    ( photo / image / picture from chocolate's Garden )

    And this is our "Chocolate"

    Chocolate ( photo / image / picture from chocolate's Garden )
    cherylad and Philip Nulty like this.
  10. Philip Nulty

    Philip Nulty Strong Ash

    Nov 25, 2010
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    The Midlands,Ireland
    Hi Chocolate,..oh i like that quote as well,..its even better when i now find Chocolate is you,..the woof woof chocolate and something we all like,..very good.

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