I wonder why they developed that plumed hat? Maybe it's a sign of attractiveness / health among the species?
The Hairy woodpecker is our choice today. Many people mistake this bird with the downy, especially at a distance. For this reason I put together one of each, on the same part of a tree to show the difference. The beaks are the best ID. More if any questions. ( photo / image / picture from Kildale's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from Kildale's Garden )
A smaller bird today. This one is quite friendly, if I go near a window or go outside he comes over to me. I hand feed him a few times a day. Male Ruby crowned kinglet. ( photo / image / picture from Kildale's Garden )
This little bird is so delicate it makes me wonder how they survive winter weather. I was reading a book the other day that said small birds can lower their body temperatures to just above zero whilst roosting at night to stop themselves freezing. I never knew they could do that.
Hummingbirds are one of the birds that do that. They are here all year round and sometimes we have a cold spell. Look at this male Anna's. ( photo / image / picture from Kildale's Garden )
You can't help feeling sorry for a tiny bird like that when you see it all fluffed up in the bitterly cold weather.
We are on the water for todays bird, actually we have two birds and three pictures for you this time. I thought the first two would be interesting showing the male hooded mergansers fan-shaped, collapsible crest both up and down. The third image is the male and female. ( photo / image / picture from Kildale's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from Kildale's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from Kildale's Garden )