I won't even go into why o haven't been here in A LONG LONG TIME! 'Cept to say this....DO NOT bring your Ipad to feed the chickens at the farm. GS And I missed each others hands and the Ipad crashed to the ground. Took 5 times before I got a working replacement. Months! I wanted to boast abiut my fickle Ficus tree that was a 5 foot naked stick. Last summer she put her clothes and she has kept them on all this winter in the living room. Now, if you have a suggestion for my 2 yr old grand:daughter keeping HER clothes on, I am open for suggestions!
Well hello there!! I thought you'd dropped off the edge of the world it's been so long. Great to have you back again. It sounds as though your Ficus tree has decided she likes living with you - even if it means putting clothes on.
uh huh, bring her on up here. It is so cold she will think for a long long time about taking off her clothes. It is a whopping 9f. right now and nothing really warms up the house to a nice comfortable feel. Always a cold draft somewhere. I could donate a free cute sweet soft bunny to the cause to bribe her to keep them on. I have 9 of them to find homes for.....
:-D @ carolyn Keiper... You silly thing. Welcome back DMJ24. I am waretrop better know as Barb in Pa. That are you better known as?
Welcome back DMJ24! Time to get the chickens their own iPad and then you can simply borrow it when you go to feed them
Nice to see you again DMJ24. My youngest didn't like wearing clothes either, but she suddenly grew out of that phase.
How is everyone doing with the crazy cold weather. We had a gorgeous dY yesterday. Went outside to check the grounds. WhT a mess. Not sure if my elephant ears survives. But i think my grapevine did . Think my blueberry bush did too. Will know in a few weeks.k"