Brrrrr! :(

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Ronni, Jan 3, 2014.

  1. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    I do feel for those in the South who aren't prepared or know how to deal with this weather. That is a terrible situation. Ice is the worst thing to deal with. There is no ability to be cautious if you are in it when it starts.
    That is the STAY HOME of all precipitation forms, if you are already home stay there and if you are not...hunker down if you can.
    Maypop likes this.
  2. Ronni

    Ronni Hardy Maple

    Mar 30, 2013
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    Nashville Tennessee
    This was on my Facebook wall, posted by a friend. It's representative of the incredible issues that this weather has presented we Southerners with. Thankfully it hasn't been bad in Nashville. But I have friends in both Georgia and Alabama who have been seriously affected. One of my friends' husband was stranded on the freeway for hours trying to get home. He, and most everyone around him, eventually abandoned their vehicles which turned the freeway into one huge parking lot, and walked several hours to get home. Though, to be clear, it was a parking lot anyway, unmoving in any direction for quite a few hours before they took to walking.

    There are news stories everywhere about good samaritans who headed out in their four wheel drives vehicles to deliver food and water to stranded motorists, a lady who had her baby on the side of the freeway because she couldn't get to a hospital, a stranded trucker who opened his truck to the several stranded families around him so the kids could have some shelter and warmth, and the meager food supplies he had available.

    It's been very bad. :(
    ( photo / image / picture from Ronni's Garden )
    Maypop likes this.
  3. Maypop

    Maypop New Seed

    Dec 11, 2013
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    Bay Area (Mobile Bay)
    Netty, the grandson is fine. As you probably guessed, he's a risk taker and mischief maker. He reluctantly shunned completing that one. His name is Mikey but should have been Dennis!

    Carolyn, thank you for your concern for Southerners in the recent weather. It was horrible, and the South was ill prepared for the extreme that hit us. Thank you for your kind concern. That is very much appreciated.

    Ronni, oh girl! Thank you for that. You are so right. There were so many Good Samaritans.

    In Mobile, we only had heavy ice for a few days. No snow, but ice was horrible. Doctors donned golf cleats and heavy clothing (camo in some cases) to walk to their patients at the hospitals.

    Unlike Atlanta & Birmingham, we were warned well in advance by our local weather people. On Monday our schools were cancelled for coming days & our EMA prepared us to hunker down at home.

    It's wonderful when there are others who understand there are real people trapped in such predicaments. Thank you and everyone else for realizing that.

    Hope everyone fared well through the storm...blessings to all...including good weather!

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