I have taken the pics from my window. We just moved into this house so I stare at it daily hoping it will be some beautiful flowering tree (Dogwood would be my dream ) Any ideas what it could be? ( photo / image / picture from Tina's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from Tina's Garden ) A little close up of the buds (I think) ( photo / image / picture from Tina's Garden )
Tina, You are going to be so disappointed in the Spring. Sorry. It is a tulip poplar. Nothing to get excited about. What you see are actually the spent seed pods from last year. They will shed off as soon as the tree breaks bud and starts new growth.
I agree with Carolyn, definitely a Tulip Poplar. They do produce some beautiful flowers though. Normally they are too high in the tree to really appreciate, but I think your branches are low enough that you could see them pretty well.