My Grand Daughter made me two carrots and a tomato out of rubber bands. Now I need some magnets to stick them on the fridge. 8) 8) P4100002 by tsebmj, on Flickr
How CUTE!! Where on earth did she get the idea? Those would make really cute christmas gifts from her too.
John I never thought that elastic bands could look so good. If you go to a craft shop they should have self adhesive magnetic discs. They're used to turn artwork into 'fridge magnets. I hope you can find some in your area as your granddaughter's gifts would look terrific gracing the door of your 'fridge. To give you an idea of what they are like here's a link for you to see. ... &_from=R40
I have fruits and veggies as a theme in my kitchen. I love them. They are neat. Do tell her that for me.