Does anyone have the same thing happening to their Irises that I have happening to mine? They have buds coming up but the stems are not as tall as they have been, could that be because of the brutal winter we had? They seem healthy, just not very tall. The neighbor that gave them to me had purple and when they bloomed in my yard, they turned a beautiful copper color, now they look like they are going to be purple again, don't know for sure, hard to tell when they are at this stage. But does anyone else have short Irises when they are supposed to be tall?
Yes me!! Our Scottish weather seems to have stunted the growth of my iris' too. They're usually double the height they are this year. The buds are about ready to open so I doubt they'll grow any taller but I'm sure they'll be just as beautiful as last year. :-D
Really?? I thought….hmmm let me check something…don't go away….checking. I looked at the last years GardenStew Phenology report and staying in zone 5 and 6 the Iris bloomed between May 15th and June 5th. While unusual characteristics are not noted it is an interesting aspect noted by other disciplines. Maybe something to consider for next year. However, if you submit a flower with notes I can put the info in the note section. Longer notes will find themselves in a note section of the final report. A phenology report data can be used in many ways besides basic flowering info. Sometimes trends and aberrations will only become obvious in such data collections. I imagine that while the leaves started late because of the cold but the warmer temperatures are sending the blooms up on time. Interesting about the stunted growth. Some of mine are the regular height and others are short…but no blooms yet. If submitted and noted they will be entered, no matter where in the world they originate. Jerry References: 2013 final report- 2013 compiled data- ... ring#gid=0 2014 data submission-
Yes,I actually noticed that mine didn't get taller, but smaller than normal and bloomed sooner.. Still same amount of blooms though, just earlier blooming time.