I looked through the Getting Started Guide and the Help Section but I can't figure out how to delete an opinion I made on a plant page. Anyone know how?
Just below your opinion there is a box that says "Edit Your Opinion," click on that and modify or delete your text. Jerry
There is no delete button, only "Add Your Opinion" and "Cancel". Cancel doesn't work. I tried editing and then erasing all my text but that won't work either.
Hi Mayashes, could you let me know what web browser you are using? Jerry's method above works for me also but maybe it is a web browser issue on your side. In the meantime you can also let me know if you need to delete / edit a certain opinion and I can do this for you also
Hi Frank, currently I am using Google Chrome. I didn't think about switching browsers but I do have that option. I simply made a mistake on the wrong chocolate mint page - I added an opinion for a variety of geranium (I think) "chocolate mint" instead of the actual mint plant which I later found.
Thanks Mayashes and Toni, I will investigate for you. I have just manually deleted the wrongly placed opinion for you Mayashes.