Actually I ought to have offered this to Carolyn for her birthday...but alas, it was consumed with animal-like vigour. There wasn't a crumb left.
I can just see you licking your fingers after eating your portion....not your bride though, I think she would have used a cloth servet.
Sjoerd, you are just bound and determined to lure me into growing strawberries, aren't you? You are succeeding, especially with pictures like this one. Glad you enjoyed it, sorry there wasn't enough to ship me some!
I'd better go home and have a talk with my strawberry plants and coax them into giving me some fruit... and soon!
Oh my that looks delicious and so well presented! I have about 200 strawberry seedlings to go into the ground if it ever warms up. Of course they won't produce this year. Just dreaming of nice juicy strawberries!
It's not fair!! Why are my strawberries taking so long to appear I may have to resort to buying some from the supermarket after seeing that photograph of yours.
I'll show you my berries tomorrow... and make a piece of short cake for myself if I have time. I'll think of you with every bite. Barb, I'll lick the plate clean for you, too.
Hee hee hee...TONI-- Right about my bride liking cloth servets. chortle. I decline commenting further upon my dining techniques. Hahaha, MG-- what? Who me? Why I wouldn't dreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeam of it. As for the tart: well, it really didn't last long at all. Get out there and give them a good talking to, CHERYL. CHRISLE-- well, with all those seedlings, you are going to be doing some serious harvesting next year or so. Pleasant dreams. Oh no, EILEEN!-- That would, of course, be a big no-no when you are so close. Just a little warm spell and you'll be away. WARE--It sure can be. Sorry about the plate, but my tongue beat you to it. chortle. I'm afraid that I was a bit out of control with this first, decadent plate of strawbs, I'll give you a shout the next time though. CAROLYN--I shall keep my out for it. Thanks ahead of time for thinking of me with every bite. Nice of you now that mine is gone. :-? CAYUGA--Glad you like the looks of that.
nope....none at all. None in the house, but plenty in the garden. I harvested nine punnets this evening. I am going to be jamming tomorrow morning.
Mmmmm...We're getting impatient for ours to grow and ripen. We moved and replanted our strawberries this year so we won't have as many as last year but next year...mmmm.