Can anyone help ID this plant? It was labeled astrantia major, but the leaves don't look right. Any ideas? ??? ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden ) ??? ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )
I think this might be some cultivar of a Trillium. I have never seen one with double flowers like that though.
Jerry and FlowerFreak, thanks for your responses. Sorry it isn't a trillium, but would I ever love to have one like that Trillium grandiflorum 'Flore Pleno'. Was browsing the astrantia's and found the astrantia maxima. I think this is a pretty good match for flower and leaf type What do you think? Guess I will be changing the label.
Jewell, I would have guessed a trillium species, too. I think you should wait to relabel it until you have a flower that looks like the one in the picture. I don't see the center of yours very well and can't tell they are similar or not.
Jewell, the major difference I see, and it could be maturity of the flower, is that the center of the one in the link (anthers, stigmas etc) that looks like a milkweed flower. I can't see that in yours. Is yours developing into a "milkweed" like center, too?
Here it is today. Not quite like a straw flower, softer in texture, but not soft like a trillium. Leaves are also firmer in texture. ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )
I searched Astrantia and I think you might be right with Astrantia maxima. The bracts are larger than the other species like the ones on yours.
I don't think it is a trillium. I think trilliums only have one set of 3 leaves per stem, not several going up the stem. I vote for one of the astrantias. It looks very pretty, BTW. Unusual.