There's a tree in the front yard of the house. It's a new subdivision so the tree is still a baby. Paige is very curious what kind of tree it is, because she wants to know what it's going to grow into. I am suspicious that it's a bartlett pear. Here are some images of it I just shot. I think I have more, when it was flowering. I'll go look. Meanwhile this is what I have so far. Also, should it be sprouting new limbs so close to the base of the tree?
Ok, I found the one where it was blooming. This was shortly after they'd moved in. You can just see the support they put it to keep it upright while it took hold.
Looks like a Bradford pear. People usually mention how the flowers smell kind of bad, or downright offensive. Usually has a 'giant lollipop' shape.
Looks like the fruitless variety. Larger blooms than the ones with fruit. They are often used in sub-divisions as landscape trees.
A mature (about the time they start to fall apart) one across the street did this about a week ago in a minor gust of wind, maybe 20-25 mph. Bradford pear trunk ( photo / image / picture from purpleinopp's Garden ) It was making roots in the rotting crack already, though the foliage looked perfectly healthy. I took this pic the day after part of it was knocked over. Roots inside split tree trunk. ( photo / image / picture from purpleinopp's Garden )
Yea,I agree with Bradford Pear. I don't really like them because they are so fragile. A small gust of wind will break them apart. I will admit that they are pretty, but I cut all of mine down because I was tired of cleaning off the driveway after huge sections of the tree broke off and almost destroyed my car multiple times.
Well, I told them what they had. Plus sent them some links so they'd have a good understanding of what they'd be dealing with if they let the tree grow. They're discussing what they should do. Paige really wants it gone, Will is a bit hesitant, but he does realize the potential for problems so I think it's only a matter of time. One of the links I sent them included an alternate choice for a tree to put there, a Yoshino Cherry tree. They love the look, it similar to a bradford pear tree but without the weak wood and nasty smell. They're seriously considering it. ... ensis.html Plus Paige asked me to thank you all for your help. So THANK YOU STEWIES!!