One of my friends gave me 2 pots of vines which she said were 2 varieties of clematis. The leaves don't look like the leaves of clematis I have. Are these clematis or can you please identify these? Thanks! ( photo / image / picture from Tina's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from Tina's Garden )
I am not positive, but the first one reminds me more of Passion Vine then clematis. You may need to wait until they bloom to be certain.
Passionflower Vine leaves are typically lobed, some more deeply lobed than others depending on the species. The leaves of Passiflora coccinea toothed not lobed but still are not heart shaped. P. quadrangularis does have heart shaped leaves but not sure how common it is in the states. But with about 250 species of Clematis and almost as many different types of leaves, what you have may be Clematis. Like Carolyn suggested, you will have to wait until it blooms to know for sure.
It looks like it could be a Smilax species, but not very sure about that. If it has thorns, it's probably a good chance though.
That's good. Could it be some kind of Passiflora? Not very familiar with them but if it's not Clematis (which it very well might be) I can see where someone could get those two flowers confused.