The Marmalade Heuchera was looking more like burnt toast so I pulled them both. As I write this I am now thinking there may have been something wrong with them. They looked pretty good earlier this spring. Marmalade heuchera ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden ) Then as I am writing this I beginning thinking of the other heuchera that died and another that isn't looking too good....darn... (break for internet search and garden check) Internet photos confirm heuchera rust. Out I go to inspect and pull infected plants and clean up their areas. Double darn! Well hopefully the remaining heucheras will be ok. Totally off topic from where I began. :-? Good news is I got two orchid primroses off the sale table. This is where I started. I had always thought these were pretty but way too expensive. Orchid primrose. ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden ) Hopefully they will fill-in the spot where the heuchera were. Guess I'd better continue my research and figure out what treatments if any should be done with the healthy heucheras. The primrose is pretty though
Well, I'm hoping you have some luck fighting the Heuchera rust. They are one of my favs for the shady garden and it would be a shame to lose them. The Orchid Primroses are so pretty, I don't believe I'm familiar with them.
First time I have seen an orchid primrose and I will keep an eye out for it! So delicate. And pretty!
Kay, Cherylad, and CM, thank you for your sympathy. I enjoy the heuchera also, although the marmalade had looked like it needed to be restarted last summer...very leggy. Went out and got some spray to combat the rust. Of course it has oil in it. Gardening never ceases to amuse me.. Time will tell if the other heucheras will get infected or not. Fingers crossed and hope the spray will keep them from getting squeaky...sorry, rusty. A garden is never static whatever the outcome...dar n....I might have to look into more new plants??? Ms Helen, and all, I first saw the primrose here on The Stew. I think it was Droopy's postings (here is her garden photos Take a look if you have time. Sharing favorite plants is a wonderful way for all of us to learn.) I have been really wanting to see how the orchid primroses would do in my garden for sometime. Previously I'd only seen them once and then at a ridiculous price. Low and behold the local Fred Meyers had two on the reduced rack and in flower. One even has a flower that has gone to seed. Am looking forward to trying to propagate more for the bare garden space. Happy gardening all.
I have trouble growing heuchera here in the uk as the roots get scoffed by vine weevil grubs, such a shame as they come in so many fabulous colours but the colour of that primrose is fantastic!
The orchid primrose was not hardy for me. The Belarina Cream Primrose has been and I have scattered it about the woodland area. It is one of only two primroses that have taken lots of neglect and been easily divided or created nice sized clumps.
Good to know Jewell. I have the species primrose & it is extremely hardy. It might be fun to try a different one. That Belarina Cream is beautiful.