I just found a bud on my hostas!!!! first hosta bud! ( photo / image / picture from gardennut's Garden )
My guess is purple, only because more Hosta's seem to have purple blooms. Do you know what cultivar it is?
I'm glad to hear that. If the blooms are white, (or whenever in the presence of other white-blooming Hostas,) don't forget to sniff them! I've never sniffed a purple one with great scent, but ohhh the white ones can smell good, really good! Does anyone know of purple ones with a great scent? Please don't take the time to list a bunch of names (unless somebody else wants it,) because I would likely never see that particular one near me, and don't buy plants in the mail. But just curious if I might get lucky sometime, continuing to sniff them. Not nearly as prevalent here in AL as I remember seeing in OH.
Naked Ladies? I found something growing where my naked ladies are planted, can anyone tell me if this is what this is? I planted 3 of them and so far only one has come up, but I am surprised and happy it has. Here is a picture of it. naked lady sprout? ( photo / image / picture from gardennut's Garden )
Naked Ladies! I found out that instead of just one naked lady bud I have 3 in that area! I hope they bloom for me, it will be the very first time that I have had them even grow when they were supposed to. naked lady buds! ( photo / image / picture from gardennut's Garden )