Obedient Plant Hardy Hibiscus. Lady Baltimore Hardy Hibiscus. Black Pearl Ornamental Pepper. Purple Rose of Sharon. Yellow Alpine Strawberries Still Producing.
I recognize those Hardy Hibiscus. I recently planted some Obedient Plants. They are alive, but not flourishing. Do they need some special care?
Those are beautiful blooms donm! I especially like the ornamental pepper plant ... I have not seen that plant before! I have Obedient Plant too. Cherylad, I consider it one of those 'plant-it-and-forget-it' kind of plants.
Netty I agree with you about that black pepper plant. It's a real beauty isn't it and I'd love to have some here in my garden. You have lovely blooms in your garden Donm and thanks for sharing them with us.
Thanks, Donm, lovely plants... Did some research on the 'obedient plant'; I want it at my place in Alabama.. Hank
It's been many years since I had obedient plant, but it's in my memory as one that likes a moist spot. Cheryl, that's probably not common if you're in the hotter, more dry part of TX?
Nice set of foto's, Don. You have some lovely and colourful blooming plants there. That obedient plant we call "hinge plant" here because one can move the blooms left and right without breaking their tiny stems....and they stay where you move them to. Well done, mate.
domn....lovely pictures. Here in Wisconsin my obedient plant is spreading . I have it in so many places that I didn't put it. Not sure if it is because of the wind, birds or what. If it starts growing in a spot I don't want, I just pull it out but right now it adds something to the garden in bloom. I have it in white but I like the purple alot. I have the Rose of Sharon...two different ones.
morning glories in the house Here are a couple of pictures of my morning glories in the picture window. I have moonflower buds and a couple of pots of Coleus, and two pots of basil. I may try to plant a pot of Alyssum Royal Carpet too, maybe even a Celosia too, has anyone tried to plant the Celosia indoors? morning glory inside the house ( photo / image / picture from gardennut's Garden ) another bloom ( photo / image / picture from gardennut's Garden )
Domn, your flowers are so pretty but I especially I love the black pepper plant. It is quit dramatic looking.
Donm, they are really great pics...The hibiscus is my favorite though.. Gardennut...inside Morning Glory....lol....it goes where it wants to i guess....beautiful color!!!
Beautiful blooms. I have Obedient Plant for the first time in a few years, I see it in garden centers in late Spring but just keep forgetting to bring any home. A friend dug up some of hers for me last year, I barely got them in the ground before I got stuck in the hospital but it came back like crazy this past Spring and is really putting on a show now. It's in afternoon shade but still I think the temps are hotter here and I know we are dryer than you Cheryl, so it just might do fine for you.