Had a walk down at the lagoon today and there were three oystercatchers on the shore. ( photo / image / picture from Kildale's Garden )
Well, that is cool. And you just walked down to the lagoon today. You are very good. I never saw one of these birds. I don't spend much time at the shores or lagoons. Are oyster all he eats?
I think they must actually eat oysters as I see some oyster or mussel shells around him. It looks like he is giving you the eye, Kildale, for invading his space.
Our oystercatchers are out in force at this time of year. They mainly feed on worms with those long, probing bills. Do yours return to the lagoon to overwinter Kildale?
This is my favorite water bird, really makes me feel that they are wild as they don't come to people for hand outs. ( photo / image / picture from Kildale's Garden )