The jay came today, only saw one last winter on the deck. Still knows where the peanuts are. ( photo / image / picture from Kildale's Garden )
I think they are one of the prettiest birds, color wise. We don't have many jays here, in fact I've only seen one. Great picture.
Your Jay obviously isn't bird-brained Kildale. He knows exactly where the food stocks are. It's good to see that he's returned to your garden.
That is one big peanut. That must get one happy jay. I am surprised when I find peanuts hidden in the hedges when I trim them. Early mornings are always to the calls of the jays. Babies although fully grown hope someone will feed them I guess or they are just welcoming a new day. Going back to work tomorrow and with the shorter days I will miss hearing them.
This jay is the Provincial bird of British Columbia. We usually have 4 or more during the winter on the deck.