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Building a water feature for a friend

Discussion in 'Water Gardening' started by MountainGuardian, Sep 26, 2014.

  1. 2ofus

    2ofus Hardy Maple

    Aug 24, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Idaho Mountains
    This is so interesting and I am really enjoying the step by step pictures and explanations of what is going on. I'm getting some very good ideas for building my own very small pond next year.
    MountainGuardian likes this.
  2. MountainGuardian

    MountainGuardian New Seed

    Sep 24, 2014
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    North Idaho
    I managed to get a load of basalt delivered this weekend to the pond site. He said it was 12 tons, so it should be enough to finish out the pond area I believe. It is slow going and tough on the back but it is getting there, I am liking it so far and the woman I am building it for is thrilled.

    Looking from the rock water fall area down the stream.


    The bridge area of the stream, I have a four foot by 8 foot bridge at home in my shop built to cross this area...



    I milled the wood for this bridge and built it last fall winter.


    Looking over what will be the falls into the pond.


    Looking back up the stream from the pond....


    Getting close to the halfway mark on the stone setting in the pond...


    To be continued tomorrow.... same bat time same bat channel... lol
    Frank and Donna S like this.
  3. cherylad

    cherylad Countess of Cute-ification Plants Contributor

    May 5, 2009
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    S. Liberty County - Texas (8B)
    Nice progress, I can actually picture it clearer now with that extra rock in place.
    Nice bridge you built also. I like bridges. Wish I had the need for one. :stew2:
    MountainGuardian likes this.
  4. MountainGuardian

    MountainGuardian New Seed

    Sep 24, 2014
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    North Idaho
    This is moving pretty well now, I am able to set quite a bit of stone a day now. The huge 12 ton pile of basalt delivered this last weekend is getting small. At first after I saw that pile of rock I was worried we were going to have an extra 4 or 5 tons of stone, now I am back not being completely sure I have enough stone. I should have the entire pond area rocked in by the weekend at the rate I am getting it in. I need to drink some salt water tonight and try and get rid of the muscle cramps popping up all over.




    It is getting kind of exciting now, I can envision what it is all going to look like, getting harder and harder to quit working each afternoon... lol
    Beeker, cherylad, KK Ng and 1 other person like this.

  5. 2ofus

    2ofus Hardy Maple

    Aug 24, 2014
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    Idaho Mountains
    The last picture you posted, with the truck parked so close to the pond, gave me the comparison that I seem to need to realize the size of the pond. It is huge! I can't even imagine the amount of labor you have done.
    Frank and MountainGuardian like this.
  6. MountainGuardian

    MountainGuardian New Seed

    Sep 24, 2014
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    North Idaho
    The labor isn't all that bad really, I managed to load rock onto my tail gate, back up to the pond and unload and set it at a rate of about 1 ton per hour. We got according to the homeowner 14 tons of basalt delivered on Saturday and I have set all but about 3 tons at the moment. I have been working 4 to 5 hour days on this. I got rained out yesterday and came home and got set up on my mill to cut 2x8's for a friend of mine and caught up on housecleaning and laundry, a nice break from moving rock.

    Here is the pond as of this afternoon....






    I just about as far I can go with the rock until the owner decides exactly what she is going to do for the box, pump and the rock stairs going down into the pond. Hopefully she will have some idea of what she wants by Monday and I can crank the rest of the pond rock out next week.
    Frank, cherylad, Donna S and 2 others like this.
  7. waretrop

    waretrop Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Oct 8, 2011
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    north eastern Pennsylvania
    That is truly amazing. So vast. I am thinking of many number is things that can go wrong just in building it. Hoping and praying everything goes well. I can't wait to see the beautiful thing running.
  8. angeliceventsau

    angeliceventsau New Seed

    Jan 28, 2015
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    9/79-85 Mars Rd, Lane Cove West
    It is a beautiful piece of property. This is an interesting project Mountain Guardian. I would like to see its progress. I know one of my friend who do this kind of job.

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