re-doing my room, colour and shutters

Discussion in 'Choosing Colors' started by jpark4, Nov 2, 2006.

  1. jpark4

    jpark4 New Seed

    Nov 2, 2006
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    been in this house for about 5 years now and my room just seemed too bland. I tried to give it some life by adding posters of my hobbies and what-not onto the walls but they either fall off or just gets too messy and scattered. it's also a small room so i can't add furniture and cool things however rugs are exceptions.

    Anyhow, i'm just looking for some suggestions or feedback. My room color, which i am having problems with, will most likely be based on my bed sheets and carpet; green, tan, red. The table (in the picture) will be thrown out and be replace with the bed moved over(so the bed is in the center of the room) then to the right(or left) of the bed will be a small table drawer about two to two and half feet high with a blue vase with a different flower (that'll match the room hopefully).

    now the hard parts for me are the colors. I wanted something soothing like blue or green but i don't want a direct color; maybe a shade/hint of either one or both. or is my imagination horrible. then have the trims/frames of the windows and doors a different color than the wall (along with the sliding mirrors) then the door the same as the walls or maybe different than the walls and frames (maybe a different shade) and then completely replace those horrid shutters :(

    Maybe some rugs here and there? i'm open to all suggestions


    HOWEVER!!!! i am open to any suggestions you members may have. I was just giving my whimsical imagination of what i wanted. Maybe even a far fetched type of colors and design sounds intriguing as well.
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  3. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    Hi jpark4 and welcome to GardenStew :)

    The first thing I noticed about your room is that is looks incredibly busy, i.e. it's hard for the eye to focus on anything. I would definitely start by removing everything from the walls. This should help clear your mind and look upon your room as more of a blank canvas.

    Now for the colours I used an online tool to try and find some complementing colours for your bedspread and came up with this:
    Tell us what your thoughts are on these.

    I would get rid of the shutters as well. Maybe some bamboo blinds would look good? ... k-of-2.jpg

    Hope this helps jpark. I'm sure others will be along with ideas shortly :) Enjoy your stay here.
  4. jpark4

    jpark4 New Seed

    Nov 2, 2006
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    wow, thanks! those are all nice colours. Didn't know choosing colours for a room would be so hard.

    i took everything off the walls and now it's totally blank. I looked closer at the wall and the paintjob is complete garbage. There are uneven streaks that were left behind by paintbrush and there are different shades that bled through the top coat. Would it be a good idea to sand completely through the top layer to its origional primer?

    The lighter olive colour might be a possiblity along with the light, brown, peachy colour ? (fourth from the left) and the ashy blue/grey. Will one of the three colours somewhat match the bamboo blinds if i happen to get them? (i might get its adjacent, darker, colours as well for the door and window trimmings)
  5. LittleSister

    LittleSister New Seed

    Oct 22, 2006
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    Covington, Louisiana
    I'd paint the shutters the same color as the trim so they sorta recede a bit. With a valance it should even out a bit.

    One thing to remember is to unify if you will be grouping pics together. They can be any subject but same color frames or even different hues of the same color would help group them. Then it's a collection rather than separate objects hung on a wall.

    Your room looks small so remember that dark colors can feel cozy, but also make a room smaller.

    Anything black in a room will help anchor it. Say a standing lamp or something.

    You can be really adventuresome and go with textures and stay with a couple of colors and use patterns to add interest.

  6. CritterPainter

    CritterPainter Awed by Nature

    Aug 27, 2006
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    Washington State
    Hi- just thought I'd toss in an idea I saw on a decorating show this morning- take a couple of the shutters, fold them into a v, mount them on something so they stay that way & put a top on. Open the shutter slats and viola, a CD holder. Tried it, it works!
  7. jpark4

    jpark4 New Seed

    Nov 2, 2006
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    i was thinking of a dark coloured background then have small rectangular brush strokes of the lighter shade(or vice versa) here and there for texture or something.
  8. Primsong

    Primsong Young Pine

    Apr 15, 2006
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    Looking at it being such a small room, another thought is to consider just getting new linens/bedspread while you are at it - you can change to a completely different color palette (brighter, lighter, lemon, mediterranean, off-whites, whatever) that way. The one you have has a lot of possibilities in it that are lighter too - take the color you prefer as the dominant color (say, the green in the leaves as an example) and then go a few shades lighter than it so it coordinates without being overwhelming. Then use the other colors (in this case, the blue, cream and pink) and accents with window treatment and trim.

    As others have already voiced, I would be concerned with using too much rich/dark color as it can make a small room feel even smaller. Texture is a great idea.
  9. lisasid

    lisasid New Seed

    Oct 28, 2006
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    room redesign

    Hi JPark4,
    Once you get things painted, for decor, you could take some of your posters and frame them for a more finished look, and then they wont fall off the walls anymore. another idea for the windows could be curtains rather than blinds or shutters.
    As for trim color, I would go for an off white, or white. And keep the door the same color as the trim. With a small room, you want to keep things simple. the light colored trim and door will look 'clean' and fresh.
    Good luck!

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