In search of the 'best' tomatoes to grow in 2015

Discussion in 'Fruit and Veg Gardening' started by Netty, Nov 10, 2014.

  1. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
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    NE Texas
    Had to be your weather. They do like it warm to hot. I had a few smaller ones but the majority of mine were football size. They were larger this year than before but due to all the rain we had,,not nearly as sweet as usual. Watermelons grew like crazy too but little taste due to the rain. Most went to the horses. I never pick cantaloupes from the vine unless they detach on their own, Then I give then a day or so before eating them since they will continue to ripen after picking. Only green ones I had were not ready yet. Don`t go by the number of days till maturity, go by sight and smell. These take longer than most.
  2. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    I think that was the problem, but they took less time than I was expecting and it was COLD most of the Summer. They didn't get watered or fertilized as well as they should have been, either. It was cold and they didn't need much extra water since it was cold. did I mention it wasn't a warm Summer up here? And when it rained it took its time drying out, too. And then it was cold. They didn't grow very big, probably due to the cold. *sigh* I hope next Summer is a little warmer.
  3. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
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    NE Texas
    Our weather temps were perfect just too much water which is unusual for Texas summers. Oh well,, we have next year to look forward to.
    The cold weather is earlier this year so maybe an early spring too. Down to 21 degrees by Monday. Normally mid 40`s for November.
  4. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    It is cold here and getting colder. Down in the teens next week and up north today there are parking bans from the extreme amounts of snow coming in off Lake Erie. 12 inches already up in Painsville. I hope next Summer is warmer is my mantra right now.

  5. AbundantBlooms

    AbundantBlooms New Seed

    Oct 14, 2014
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    Minnesota, USA
    I feel like I'm on a yearly search for great tomato varieties to try. I have someone I buy seed from that I just love and I always ask for her help and advice on varieties to try. She lives in NY so I can pretty much trust what grows well for her might grow well for me here in MN. Sort of. But I still go to her because more often than not I have good success with her suggestions.

    Anyhoo. There are a few that I grow every year that I can count on. One is Stupice. This year I'm also going to see how Matina does for me. I have see from a "rainbow" heirloom I got in a trade many years ago that does super well for me. I get big yellow and pink tomatoes each summer and I always get a lot of them and they are beautiful slicers. Sungold hybrid is our favorite and a most delicious, heavy producing cherry. I love an heirloom paste called Amish Pastel- tried it last year with great success- lots of tomatoes that were low acid and still had good flavor with meaty insides and little seeds.

    I tried Sweet Adelaide from the Dwarf Tomato Project and LOVED that so I'll be doing more of those this next year.

    Last year I tried a Burpee Supersteak hybrid and it was a total flop. Brandywines, Mortgage Lifter, the Cherokee line, Early Girl and Boy hybrids, Roma, San Marzano, and those thick skinned and yucky pear tomatoes have all been flops. Kellogg's breakfast was a flop.

    I'm always looking for more paste types and big giant beautiful slicers that are sweet and early maturing. Suggestions welcome!
    Frank likes this.
  6. Chrisle

    Chrisle In Flower

    Jun 11, 2013
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    New Brunswick, Canada
    Netty, Veseys sells the Tomatoberry Tomato. They are based in Prince Edward Island. I don't know how to add a link but if you Google Veseys you will find them.
    Netty likes this.

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