I've actually been a very bad person in this section. As I am always viewing all your posts, but not contributing here. So about time I set this right, and so restore the balance to the "force"! OK, so let me now introduce to you what Pakoras are. They are a very popular form of snack in my past of the world. However they can by no means be considered as nutritious, they only exist just for the purpose of munching and nothing more - So please don't start living on these, or you'll really regret it... Anyhow, to make then all you need is: Take 2 cups of chickpea flour. Add 1 teaspoon of crushed red chilies. Add half a teaspoon of powdered black pepper. Add a quarter teaspoon of turmeric powder. Add 2 or 3 finally chopped green chilies. Add some cumin seeds (optional). Squeeze one lime into this also. And add some salt also (quantity depends upon your taste). Next add water to this mix, as this will become your batter. So in this you simply dunk all the onion rings one by one, and then toss them into a pan or wok which has hot oil in it. That's all there is to it! I by the way am making Pakoras with just onion rings, but you can do it with just about any vegetable you like (potato, okra, bringle, bell pepper, or anything else you can imagine)! See this video of mine for example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-9Vu2IFu6o Onion rings, with lime and chilies ( photo / image / picture from S-H's Garden ) Mixing all the ingredients for the batter ( photo / image / picture from S-H's Garden ) Squeezing lime and adding water to make the batter ( photo / image / picture from S-H's Garden ) Dunking onion rings into the batter ( photo / image / picture from S-H's Garden ) Deep frying the onion rings after they were dunked in the batter ( photo / image / picture from S-H's Garden ) Onion ring pakoras are ready! ( photo / image / picture from S-H's Garden )
Spooky,I had vegetable pakoras when we ate out in a Nepalese restaurant last week.they were delicious and I have been looking at recipes to try.Mine will be without the chilli though as I can't cope with anything too hot! Thanks for redressing the balance PS:what is bringle?
A quick edit in my head revised my comment and question. I was about to say "That makes two of us on the bringle question". It now was sounding like an echo. Anyway, yes I was curious about a bringle. Is it an eggplant? As there are so many varieties it would not surprise me that a local name is bringle. Jerry
Yes Jerry, bringle is eggplant, however the local name for it in my part of the world is baingan. Just write any name in Google, and you'll instantly get the answer. By the way, for those who don't like the heat of chilies, I think you can switch it with a little garlic paste! Also, I have noticed that many members here post a lot of recipes. However very few post pictures with it. So my request is to please upload some images too. And those who'll now try out this recipe, also please share some pictures of how their attempt turned out - As doing so will make this section of our forum even more interesting!