I cannot for the life of me remember the name of this houseplant. I have two. They both look just like this. So....they're ugly! They're all leggy and saggy and have been growing just like that for ages. The lower leaves slowly yellow and die off, but the upper leaves are healthy, they keep putting out new ones, so obviously the plants aren't dying. But Jeez Am I doing something wrong? I can't get them to look any better. I repotted the other one, looks exactly the same. Should I put sticks in the pots and attach the stalks so they at least grow UP instead of sideways? Is there ANYTHING I can do to make them look a bit better?
I had one of those too, looked pretty much the same as yours and it got worse no matter what I did. It died and I still don't know what it is, I think the tag from Lowe's just said houseplant.
Toni, I got this one from Home Depot. And I think mine just said houseplant too. Well, it makes me feel better that someone as knowledgeable as you about plants fared no better than I. And I still remember how pretty it looked when I first got it. Much smaller of course, full and vibrant, the stalks all but invisible because they were both short, and covered with leaves. Wait.....I think I might have a photo of one of them when I first got them...... AHA! ( photo / image / picture from Ronni's Garden ) I realize it's not the greatest shot, but still, you can see enough of it to really GET the comparison of then to now. What a shame.
I'm thinkin' diffenbachia :-D I don't buy them just because of the way they grow. They look soooooooo cute in a dish planter or terrarium while they are small but as soon as they get any size to them they start to look homely. I have the same problem with my hair :-? as long as I keep it really short I do ok, as soon as it starts to grow out it grows "big" not long, anyone else have that problem? Big hair is no longer in style
Yes it's probably Dieffenbachia, Cut the stems in half and stick them back into the soil and you will get sprouts of the main plant and roots on the cuttings. I would up size the pot just a little. Sorta looks like me at the end of a day.
I freaking love how this thread started out as a question about a houseplant, but is evolving into a comment on personal style! Barb, seriously? Just chop those suckers off? Kinda scary, but I'll go for it. Can I put the stalks in water and have them root that way?
I would stick a pencil in the pot, that the main plant is in, to open the path and stick the stems right into the holes you made. Remember, water, water, water. Give it many months.....
Yes you can chop the top and re-root it. I think the stem will root at the joints and the root of the original will produce new leaves. That's what I do with my Moses in a Boat plants. Have so many now don`t know what to do with them.
Deiffenbacca(sp?) Have one that came in a tabletop memorial planter. Was about 6inches tall. It is now about 5 fffet tall and one plant looks like a stand of bamboo. I have rooted it so many times. Each joint on the stalk will grow roots. I would try to leave at least 3 --4 leaves. It will root in a few days. Once you cut the rooting stalk and place it in water. I would throw the leggy leftovers away and replace the soil. You will have several new plants for the price of one. When it grows larger than you want it to, clip off the tops and root them. Youll have enough to keep and enough to share . It is very fast growing. They grow well in a diffused light setting. They do not need bright sun. They seem to do better a little bit away from the bright sun window. Usually I have so many cuttings i put a few out on my porch. They don't do cold well but heat and humidity they seem to love. Hope this helps.
I have one of these....diffenbachia you say? I am so excited to find out the name of it! I put a "stake" in the pot with mine to hold up the stems that wanted to lean. I must say, your post gave me a laugh! It is a beautiful plant, but I could not imagine leaving them leaning like that. For some reason, it aggravated me to no end that my stems did that. I thought something was wrong with it! Thanks for the laugh and for the help with not only identifying the plant, but tips on care and re-rooting them to grow more.
Beth, start lining up adoptive parents for the new diffys--you could end up living in a jungle if you keep them all and keep rooting new starts! This is the voice of experience who nearly had to use a machete to get through the living room . . . .