Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by DMJ24, Dec 26, 2014.

  1. DMJ24

    DMJ24 Seedling

    Apr 27, 2011
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    Greer SC 29651
    Still trying to work out --SHARING~~ my Ipad.
    So couldn't get here before Christmas!
    Had a way too quiet Christmas.
    Daughter and hubby and kids went to his sisters . We had the kids open their gifts about 7am so their dad could get to work on time. Their excitement is precious.
    Hubby and I have been fighting off a stubborn slobbery chest cold for 2 weeks(we are worn out from it) first Christmas EVER we ate alone.
    My sister passed away in november 2010 from Glioblatoma ( we were VERY close.)and i just feel so detatched from all the holidays we all loved. My other sister had a nervous breakdown in the middle of 2010 in the middle of us caring for our sister who passed away. I am now caring for my 82 yr old mother who is in stage 4 kidney failure, going blind and suffering from internal problems.
    Feel like there is no let up.
    So i am having trouble celebrating.
    I am 62 and have never had any problems with depression. But i can't seem to rise above the blue fog?
    Could also be lack of sunshine ,as well , contributing to it.
    Well, anyway, hope everyone had a great Christmas!!
    Frank likes this.
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  3. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    I'm sorry to hear of the troubles your having at the moment but hope that 2015 is going to see an improvement and that it will turn out to be a good year for you and your family.
  4. waretrop

    waretrop Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Oct 8, 2011
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    north eastern Pennsylvania
    I am so sorry that you have had such a hard time this holiday season. I can totally understand how you feed. I realize when you are in pain that you don't want to hear anyone telling you, their woes. I don't believe that putting more people into the, sad pool, helps anyone.

    I can only share with you that sadness usually only last a short time. As they say, time heals. It really does. Sometimes it is a short time and sometimes it takes longer.

    I can only share this with you, sweetie. Keep moving around. Don't let yourself just sit around to think....that probably is the hardest part. I would also not let yourself be around anything negative. Do only happy things even if you don't want to. Get all the lights in the house on. Don't sit in a dark room.

    So, it's OK to cry and have sad times but do give yourself a little nudge in the behind and get moving a little. It will help.

    Take care my dear fellow Stewbie.
  5. Donna S

    Donna S Hardy Maple

    Feb 15, 2010
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    I'm so sorry to. Keep yourself buzzy, mind and body. Hope 2015 is better for you.

  6. Sherry8

    Sherry8 I Love Birds!

    Nov 6, 2007
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    Wisconsin...zone 5
    I think the sun does help make you feel better. I am so sorry for what is going on in your life, believe me you are not alone. So many people going through the same thing with their families. I found it hard to be without my Mom, who died last Jan. 25...what I would give to hear her voice one more time. The holiday made it worse with all the things being said about families. We celebrated with my children and families on Christmas Eve and all we did on Christmas Day was take my older brother out for dinner. Besides that we took a nap and watched Christmas movies. I do hope things get better for you and things improve...but remember you are not alone. God Bless... Think positive
  7. DMJ24

    DMJ24 Seedling

    Apr 27, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Greer SC 29651
    Thank you.
    I am sort of embarrased for writing all that.
    I was feeling at my lowest at that moment.
    My sistets nd I were very close.
    I have never dealt with this kind of loss. I am usually the tower of strength for everyone else. So , this is very new to me.
    Thank you for your kind words.
    And i hope you all had a blessed Christmas as well.
    I recently took a trip with my husband to a little town here in SC. In the cotton area. I picked up some cotton seeds. I love to grow things. Think iwill try and grow some for the fun of it. Dirt and seeds always lift my spirits.
    Every year my hubby takes a deep breath ,closes his eyes and says...what do you want for yourr annivetsary?...(birthday, christmas, mothers day...) same thing everyear. Bags of soil and manure! His only request is ,if anyone asks what I got.. Please tell them i got you Jewelry.
    Frank, Jewell and 2ofus like this.
  8. waretrop

    waretrop Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Oct 8, 2011
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    north eastern Pennsylvania
    It's seasons like this that we miss our departed loved ones the most. Boy, do I know that.....As times go on it becomes more pleasant to take time out of our lives to remember special events or times we have joy with those special people.
  9. 2ofus

    2ofus Hardy Maple

    Aug 24, 2014
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    Idaho Mountains
    I'm sorry your having such a bad time. Everyone reaches the point where they have to talk to someone and just talking (or typing it) helps and getting your hands in dirt, planting seeds or even just planning what your going to plant helps any gardening person.

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