I was able to snap these two photo's of one of our resident Cardinals and one of a Junko sitting in our fir tree just outside of my kitchen window. Makes for such a great backdrop for bird pic's. Female Cardinal. ( photo / image / picture from Tooty2shoes's Garden ) Junko ( photo / image / picture from Tooty2shoes's Garden ) This last pic is of a Red Poll that made a short visit to our feeders. Glad I was able to get this pic. as he is no where to be seen since. Red Poll. 2014 ( photo / image / picture from Tooty2shoes's Garden )
It's good to know that we have some wildlife in common Tooty. I have a small flock of Red Polls that are now visiting my feeders daily. :-D
Eileen it is interesting to see what wildlife we do share. I wish I had a flock of them at my feeders. This year we have a lot of Goldfinches. Last year we have a few Cross bills at our feeders. It is interesting how the wildlife differs from one year to the next.
Kildale----that is interesting that you do not have Cardinals out your way. Fun to see how diverse the bird population is. Decorchic------thank you. They are one of my fav. birds to see at our feeders.
We have cardinals year around. Right now we have a ton of those black grackles and lots of small birds. We have two seed feeders and a sunflower feeder and whenever you look out there are birds around and under them. No snow here for a backdrop though. dooley
Tooty, we have cardinals and junkos, but no redpolls. Thanks for posting such a lovely photo so we could enjoy seeing a bird we don't have locally!
Beautiful pictures...I haven't noticed a redpoll yet and I am keeping my fingers crossed they miss my area. A few years back when they left they took all but 4-5 goldfinches with them. I used to have so many of them and I loved their singing in the morning when I would get outdoors. The little Black eyed juncos are such a nice, clean little bird. I love seeing them come in the colder weather and I always dread having them leave when our nice weather starts... My cardinals are my favorite...I am glad we have them all year.