I found a clump of bulbs in the woods today. It looks like it was just tossed there. Since it is in our property - I was surprised as I have never tossed this out. (Do you think the hubby with his black thumb would? ;-)) But I don't have any bulbs unaccounted for. I know it will be fun to see what it turns out to be - but was wondering if anybody wants to take a guess. I will post an update when it blooms (if it does). ( photo / image / picture from Tina's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from Tina's Garden )
My guess would a Crinum lily. Crinum amabile (Giant Spider Lily) Crinum x herbertii (Milk and Wine Crinum) or other species of Crinum.
The picture I took was a close up, Toni. The leaves aren't very wide. I think crinum leaves are wider. They leaves look more like daylily / tuberose ones - but the bulbs don't look like daylily. I was leaning towards Tuberose. But I have one clump in the container which is still in the container. And we don't have neighbors who could throw this in our woody area. Plus they aren't PNW natives to be found in woods. So, still a mystery.
That's odd Tina, to find something like that in your own woods. Maybe someone took it out of the garden and put it there for you? I just did the same thing with some bearded Iris ... plopped them down on the sunny side of our forest with hopes they would grow ...
Very odd, Netty. Particularly, since we don't have neighbors that side of the yard. God bless whoever left it for me, if they did.
Tina, I am guessing you have already planted those bulbs, so I may be too late. I was going to suggest that you divide those bulbs before planting. Are tuberoses hardy in your area?
Sorry for the delayed response CM. No, tuber roses are not hardy in our area. It was not a very huge clump of bulbs, so I didn't divide these. I already planted it. Lets see.
Do not look like wild daylily but they do look like the ones I see at Lowes . But looking at that clump don`t think that's it . Looks more like a native plant that someone has thinned . Sure does look like that giant spider lily. Bulbs look the same as my smaller ones.