When do you cut the dead flowers off the rose bushes? I have always cut them when the petals dry up so new buds will come on. But today I was told I shouldn't do that. Is that correct? I've been doing that for a couple of months and they are still blooming. Wannabe
No you should cut off the dead flowers. It encourages them to bloom. Deadhead them ,hun. You want to do it whent the petals start falling off or looking old. All my red roses will lose their petals so I deadhead them when they start losing them. Now on of my yellow roses will just turn brown and not drop its petals. When it starts turning brown, I dead head them. If thats how you do it and its worked for you this long, then keep it up. Why did they tell you that, if I may ask?
They, a couple passing by when I was snipping off old buds, said the branches where I cut the buds would die and eventually the bush. I had never heard this but thought I'd ask some advice. Thank You. Now I have Japanese beetles.
Japanese beetles are a pain! But I have to use a chemical because of other beetles but it works for the Japanese too. In my blog are several different types of organic treatments if thats what you use. If not let me know if you need the name of some good stuff and Ill find my bottle that I use.
Always use clean pruners. Some books suggest to dip your pruners in a 10-1 water-bleach solution after every use. I, of course, just wipe them on my pants.
I like Hank just usually wipe them on my pants. I have recently started dipping them in the sand pile in the backyard before putting them away. A few dips in the sand and they are clean of all dirt, etc.
When you deadhead your roses you should always cut them just above an outward facing eyebud. That way it leaves the center of the bush open for better air circulation.
Thank you all for your help. My husband Gene is picking off the beetles and putting them in soapy. We have to be careful because the roses are climbing up the dog pen fence and we don't want Fred to lick the leaves and get sick.
Good Technique Good pruning is essential to the health of a bush; *Secateurs should be of the highest quality *The cut should be sloping *Cut beginning on the side farthest from the eye and slanting towards it, finishing just above the eye. *From all bushes cut out dead wood and weak spindly shoots.
If you want rose hips, you have to leave the dead flower on the bush. Otherwise, cut away. Even if you don't cut at the right place, it will, usually only die back tohe firs good bud.
deadheading roses If you live in winter country it is good to not dead head after mid august so your roses know that they are getting ready to go dormant, also no more fertilizer.