New regulations for our town.

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by 2ofus, Jun 1, 2015.

  1. Jewell

    Jewell Incorrigible Gardener Plants Contributor

    Dec 17, 2008
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    Puget Sound Region of the Pacific NW,Zone7b
    Social media is a great vehicle for rousting the masses. Our HOA at the cabin was going to pass some silly ordinances about fire pits. A small group of concerned home owners created a Facebook page that gathered enough public opinion that big modifications were made in the ordinance. Social media is a great way to get, spread and make public opinion work for you. It has also been helpful for keeping all residents updated on little issues also.

    We have also been able to grandfather in campers left year round in our subdivision after another 'forced change' in ordinances. Thank you social media for gathering the masses. If you have someone with legal expertise that helps give them the one, two punch. Just forcing them into uncomfortable situations is worth the effort.

    When the school board threatened to close the only pool in town (at the high school), social media helped to bring enough people and organizations together to vote out most of the school board and put in place a joint effort for pool funding from three different sources. Little people like mayors and city counsel members only have as much power as we give them. Make their lives uncomfortable with media, as much public opinion as possible and find a way to replace them or get them to resign. It might be easier than you think.

    By the way, I want that stump and those metal planters if you fail. They are really super nice.
    Cayuga Morning likes this.
  2. Cayuga Morning

    Cayuga Morning Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    New England
    Very well said Jewell!
  3. 2ofus

    2ofus Hardy Maple

    Aug 24, 2014
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    Idaho Mountains
    The meeting is over and I think the city council is going to wait for a few days before a vote. There were over 100 people in a room meant to hold only 50 but every person had 4 minutes to talk, though they would let you go over a short time longer. Mike handed them pictures of our lawn art and told them if they are calling this junk, then they should realize that the city is displaying junk in their parks. A non-running (nor licensed ) trolley that does not operate, a non- operating train and a not operating hydro monitor, that, by their definition of 'junk' would have to be removed. Also a large gun (non-working) on wheels that was used in world war 1! These are all under the definition of junk! All they assured us of was they would not be voting on it tonight so it is still up in the air. Than you, everyone, for your support on this. It means a lot to me.
    Jewell and Cayuga Morning like this.
  4. Cayuga Morning

    Cayuga Morning Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    New England
    They should be embarrassed for proposing such an ill conceived set of regulations.
    2ofus and Jewell like this.

  5. 2ofus

    2ofus Hardy Maple

    Aug 24, 2014
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    Idaho Mountains
    To up-date the news on this, the council has decided to shelve the decision and do some more investigating. The worst of the council. a women, that has really been pushing it, was actually made to feel bad when they re-did the ordinance and instead of the word "no grass or plant" over 8 inches tall to "no grass or weed" as one elderly woman started crying and said "but I cut all my flowers down, I can't afford a fine!" The witchy counselor 'said' she would help her replant. We'll see.. I have been trying to find out who it is as I have a lot of seeds and many perennials that I can divide and I would love to help her out, but so far haven't found out.
  6. vitrsna

    vitrsna Seedling

    Apr 16, 2015
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    Colima, Mexico
    That's a bit of a relief...hopefully the proposed ordinance will die of natural causes, but the citizens must keep the pressure on in case the council tries to sneak something in the back door. There are these people who want to make the world a perfect place according to their own singular vision of what that would look like. They are so irritating...that woman should get a hobby.
    2ofus and Cayuga Morning like this.
  7. Dinu

    Dinu Seedling

    Apr 21, 2015
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    Mysuru, India
    That Mayor is not required there.... he is wanted here...... why? See. Common scene outside our gate. The greenery for the cattle - is from my garden. This was Sunday's shot. Cattle let out by owners whose livelihood is milk supply, adjacent locality. This is nothing!

    from P1010761.jpg
    2ofus and vitrsna like this.
  8. Ms kitty 01

    Ms kitty 01 In Flower

    Mar 1, 2015
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    Boise, Idaho
    Be sure to vote them all out next election.
  9. vitrsna

    vitrsna Seedling

    Apr 16, 2015
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    Colima, Mexico
    @ofus, are the council members elected by the public? or appointed by the mayor who is elected by the public? Hopefully the public can send a message via voting in the next election to get rid of the people supporting the proposed ordinance. And prior to the next elections, maybe some petitions against the regulations can be circulated for signatures. Have you heard of any citizens in favor of the ordinance?

    Dinu...what a super photo! Recycling at its best...let the owners of the cows know that they owe you some cow pies for your garden. Is that Asha trying to get your car into your driveway? There are certainly some people wanting to create a pristine and sterile and uniform world who would get the vapors seeing this photo.:)
    Cayuga Morning likes this.
  10. Vincenza

    Vincenza New Seed

    Jun 9, 2015
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    South Carolina
    2ofus... It sounds like your council is full of the kind of people who, once they got a little "power", decided to assert their wants and will on everyone. A few years ago, I dealt with a HOA that was full of these folks...unreasonable, spiteful, and making up/changing the rules whenever it suited them to fit their agenda. One old woman would actually walk the properties and move/remove things that she didn't approve of. In the end, I wound up losing my home because I refused to cave in to their demands (SC has virtually no rules on the power exerted by HOA's). Let them know that they can be voted out just as easily as they were voted in. You have a beautiful home...don't let others dictate how it looks. Stay strong! :like:
    2ofus likes this.

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