Extreme heatwave...

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by S-H, Jun 23, 2015.

  1. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Karachi, Pakistan
    This is the condition over here now (see map below). We are going through an extreme heatwave, which has so far claimed over 500 lives due to heatstroke - Over 200 of which occurred in Karachi city. There are places nearby in which the temperate soured to over 50 degree C, (that's *122* degrees F)... While reports from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia say that their capital city of Riyadh experienced 62 degrees C in the daytime, (which is an unbelievable 143.6 degrees F)!!!

    This is now officially the hottest year of Pakistan (as far as written records go). Never before did we face such a temperature at this time of the year... Globally also, this is now the hottest year in recorded history! And it seems that things are not going to improve anytime soon... Climate change / Global warming is indeed a reality! However, isn't it amazing to see how millions upon millions of people still continue to ignore the issue?

    Pakistan temp.jpg

    These are the headlines of today's newspaper over here:

    newspaper 1.jpg

    newspaper 2.jpg

    World temp.jpg
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2015
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  3. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    It's so sad to hear that S-H. Here in Taiwan we are experiencing a record summer also. For me it's pretty unbearable but I can't imagine temperatures over 40 :eek: I hope more don't die due to the heat although I think this is going to be a very common occurrence in our planet's future.
  4. Dinu

    Dinu Seedling

    Apr 21, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Mysuru, India
    S-H, be safe. And let there be respite from the discomfort to the people.
    The very hot weather in Karachi is covered in the media widely.
    They say the Planet will handle itself, treat and even heal itself. But the way things are happening all over the continents, it is really worrisome. Mysuru is in such a place where it does not [at least so far!] go beyond 37C. Of course, we feel warmer and warmer every year.
  5. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    How horrible for you all. Stay safe and as cool as you can.

    Because of El Niño hovering off the coast of South America our summer will be below average temps this summer and possibly next winter. Surprisingly we have not hit the 100 deg mark yet this year and may only have fewer than 5 of those days all summer.
    The hottest temps we have had were 113F/45C back in 1980 and again in a few years later. We have had several summers with temps hovering between 105-110 but 1980 those temps 100+ were for 69 straight days. There have been many 'unofficial' reports of temps in the 115-120 range during summers in La Niña years.
    In 2011 we had 100+ temps for 71 days, there was a two day gap of 99 degs that kept it from breaking the 1980 record.
    Almost all houses and business here have air conditioning units of some sort, either whole house or window units but many could not afford the high electricity bill and wouldn't run theirs as they should have under those circumstances.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2015
    S-H likes this.

  6. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Stay safe S-H!
    The weather is really unpredictable. I am enjoying some warm weather but we have had an extremely dry Spring and now it has rained about 8 inches in the past week. Last year was so cold we wore jackets almost all Summer. I think we had one warm week and that was it. My paste tomatoes didn't even ripen it was too cold.
  7. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    Well I've lived here for most of my life, so I can say it with authority that this wasn't how things used to be. Yes I've had nosebleeds due to heat (in childhood), and there were times when I too was close to having a heatstroke - But it was never this bad I swear! Well over 700 people have died so far (while some say that the actual number is now close to 1200+). But there are over many thousands who are now hospitalized (some still in very critical condition).

    Entire day of yesterday and the day before, while I was driving, all I could hear was the sirens of ambulances and see their flashing lights (in all directions). Many victims of sunstroke are emergency workers (paramedics, police officers, and personal of the city's fire brigade). Believe it or not, but I am right now noticing that many insects too are also falling dead. It's really so hot now that I'm also not seeing many birds flying in the air either...

    I always knew that this wold happen someday, although I didn't expect to see such times so soon, in 2015, (I was thinking of perhaps 2030s, when such things would become a regular occurrence). But what I had been warning about for so long (while everyone either laughed at me or were just ignoring me) - Is now a reality! And yes, I for one am still ready for anything, as no natural disaster is ever going to get me. That's for sure!!! And although the cyclone didn't hit my area in the last few weeks, I still was now able to record some useful data of this situation instead... However, it would have been so much better had people only listened to me and others like me. Heck, I don't even charge anyone anything when it comes to teaching how to become a doomsday prepper... :shrug:

    Oh well, such is life! I being just one man can't save everyone. I am just thankful that nothing like this is ever going to happen to me and those near me, and those few whom I have taught, (as we really are prepared for just about everything, even nuclear war)!
    :setc_008: :sete_068: :smt068





    So to all those who ignored me for so long - I now say:

    So long and thanks for all the fish
    So sad that it should come to this
    I tried to warn you all that you're dead

    You may not share my intellect
    Which might explain your disrespect
    For all the natural wonders that grow around you

    So long, so long and thanks for all the fish

    The world's about to be destroyed
    There's no point getting all annoyed
    Lie back and let the planet dissolve (around you)

    Despite those nets of tuna fleets
    I thought that most of you were sweet
    Especially tiny tots and your arrogant women

    So long, so long, so long, so long, so long
    So long, so long, so long, so long, so long

    So long, so long and thanks for all the fish! :smt023 :smt039

    Last edited: Jun 24, 2015
  8. vitrsna

    vitrsna Seedling

    Apr 16, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Colima, Mexico
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2015
  9. Dinu

    Dinu Seedling

    Apr 21, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Mysuru, India
    Thanks for the updates, S-H. There is a saying "when the going gets tough, the tough get going.". Applies to your situation, right? Usually the figures reported in the media is inaccurate. In our paper today, there was a photo of a Karachi man cooling himself under a public tap.
  10. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Karachi, Pakistan
    Vitrsna, I don't think this qualifies as a heart-breaking tragedy for Karachi, as this city has a population over over 20 million inhabitants, (out of which only 1200 or so died). Thus it is like a drop of water compared to the volume of water in the ocean, (so not much of a big deal actually, statistically speaking of course) - The actual tragedy is that nobody ever listens to me and others like me. There were no plans for something like this. Only when the military stepped in and instantly set up their own emergency centers, is when people suddenly stopped dying. While the other BC authorities ("bloody civilian") didn't exactly know what to do in such a situation - As they never planned for it...

    So yes, the data which I was looking for, which I didn't get as the cyclone didn't hit my area - I now have got through this way, (some of it anyway). Specially when it comes to how the BC authorities behave... Even now they are playing the blame game! The ones in authority say that those who were elected before them are at fault, as they didn't lay any foundations to cope with such unexpected emergencies. While the other side says that they did a lot, but those who are in power right now let all their hard work erode away due to neglect... Such is the malignant concept of democracy (which in my opinion very successfully poisons the whole society), as it is flawed from the very beginning... Because it (in the false name of equality) gives everyone an equal right to vote. Thus effectively nullifying people like me. As (hypothetically speaking) I am instantly reduced to the same level as a tobacco spitting looser, with gut hanging of his belly, who probably hasn't made a single noticeable achievement in his life - But he and I will both get just one single vote each. So how exactly is that fair or equal??? And since intelligent people are not the majority, is the reason why idiots always get elected in public offices worldwide (as the idiot majority will only vote for their own kind)... So the end result is now clear for everyone to see! Maybe, just maybe, the concept of Technocracy may someday deliver a better result. But this is a totally different subject of discussion altogether, and there is great fear and resistance against it in the entire world. Which is why I won't talk about it here, (even though that concept combined with some military like structure is what I believe will be the best answer for many problems, if not all).

    Anyway, as for what else I have observed and recorded - Well, it too deals with the "bloody civilian" authorities mostly. Like how they first play the blame game, to shift the burden onto someone else. But at the same time they also start to lie about how bad the situation actually is. As the one thing which they cannot afford is mass panic, so to keep that from happening they resort to laying. And as Dinu above also correctly guessed, the official figures are not in accordance with reality... Like when the temperature on my own thermometer outside was showing 45 degrees C, the official figure was 41 C. And when I was seeing it peak at 47 C, the official number didn't rise above 45 C. And that too they claimed was only for a brief moment, (while I was witness it for over 6 to 8 hours, where it didn't go below 46 degrees C).

    So first they play the blame game, to cover their own butts. But when that too goes stale very quickly, in when they resort to plain old fashioned belligerent lying, as they are always in fear of the real higher authorities (like the military), as the military may all of a sudden come out to whip everyone back into shape!

    Anyway, this mindset of the BC authorities isn't a specialty of my part of the world, but is from time to time observed in many other parts of the globe too. So what I have observed and recorded, will indeed get repeated again and again elsewhere. I luckily got to see this before everyone else did, as my area is already one of the hottest in the world. So for me it was sort of like getting a sneak peek to a blockbuster movie. Because of which I now know what everyone else will eventually be facing. I myself knew that this would indeed start to happen someday, and it was a reasonably safe bet that it would start from some of the hottest areas of the world. But I didn't expect to see it start in 2015, my guess was 2025 or 2030 perhaps...

    So this is a real wake up call for me, and for everyone else who is watching the situation very closely. I am sure that in the next 2 to 3 years it won't be this bad. And so people (being naive) will look back at this and think that it was just a one time occurrence, which will not happen again, (which is why most will again forget my warnings). But in about 4 to 5 years it will come back again, and stronger this time. And as time would pass it will start to occur more and more frequently. But by then it would be too late to save everyone, (it already is actually). So I for one am again ready for this, as well as anything else thrown at me. Only thing I am startled by is that I was still thinking that I had until the year 2025 at least to prepare. So in that sense this was a wake up call for me too! Still, I am reasonably confidant that I'll still survive, no matter what the situation. As natural disasters come and go very quickly, (just like this heatwave too didn't last for over a week) - It's what people end up doing to each other during and after it, which is the actual cause for concern... So again, this is where my collected data will now always come in handy, as it very accurately showcases the inability of those in authority to cope with challenges, (actually it just confirmed what I already suspected for a very long time). But when they finally resorted to lying was just like the icing on the cake I swear!!!

    :sete_068: :sete_019: :setf_043:
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2015
  11. Tooty2shoes

    Tooty2shoes Hardy Maple

    Jun 15, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Denmark, Wis.
    Wow S-H. We hear in the US are also facing above normal heat with wild fires flaring up in some drought ridden states. They other states are facing flooding and tornadoes. I am so glad where we live that our temps are normal for our area and we have had just enough rainfall for the farmers and our veggie garden. How sad to see people loosing their lives because of excessive heat.
  12. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    Actually Tooty2shoes, there is a lot more to this - Please see this video to fully understand what the Earth is now going through:

    So for me personally, this is a very serious wake-up call. As I was sure that we had at least 15 more years to prepare. Therefore my mindset was that slowly and steadily by the time thing would turn ugly, I'd be fully ready. But that I guess isn't the case... So now I have to work faster, harder, and that too in the same amount of time I have in a given day.

    So now I may not even have anymore free leisure time to post here anymore, (because I have too much to do, in order to be ready for everything)... But thankfully, I am better off then others, and my technical skills too are a great asset - So I will get to where I want to be, as I've already been experimenting (for a few years) on how to grow my own food without any natural light, or soil!
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2015

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