I went to my son and daughter in law's house. We had lots of adorable kids come to trick or treat. It was a fun night.
We enjoyed ourselves, so that makes it a success in my book. Like many of you are saying, turn out isn't nearly what it used to be, and I can understand why - but hey, the kids that did come by, and their parents, were all appreciative of our efforts. This year, our theme involved SPIDERS! A great, giant one with a skeleton rider, and an army of little ones .... The driveway was busy with comers and goers - at least for a while.
I worked until 4p, Trick or Treating was from 5-8. The bf bought $20 worth of candy...$20 doesnt go too far these days!! We got almost a full bowl out of 4 bags I dressed up as a Night Elf Hunter from WoW, with my bow and faithful Hunter Pet (my dog Angel lol). I lit a candle in the pumpkin I carved the day before and had the occasional sit down on the front porch between groups of young'uns wanting that sugar fix After the candy ran out (pretty darn fast!), I went and tried to have a snuggle session with my Battle Pet, Tabby Cat (battle pets in WoW are kinda like Pokemon. You get little animals and battle other pets for experience points and sometimes loot)
Bip, beautiful costume, do you go to Cons? My youngest goes to A-Con and Animefest in Dallas every summer. Great job on the pumpkin carving!!!
Our Halloween night was very quite except for the off and on rain that kept the kids from hitting the streets. But there were several indoor events to keep them happy, most of the grocery stores have a trick or treat night and a couple of the big shopping malls have activities for them too. Ronni, our youngest grandson got to be in cosplay this last Sept. It was his first Animefest and one of the guys my daughter knows asked if he could help him out in his cosplay....so Nicky, the little budding actor that he is, had a blast and can't wait for next year.
Nothing happening here. One hears the word, "halloween" on the radio a few times, and there are a partieor two here and there, but that is it. No celebration or children on the door. 11 november is the night when we are visited by children made-up with costumes and sometimes paint on their faces. They traditionally carry paper lanterns and sing a typical little song that goes with the holiday and then they get their candy or fruit. It is called, "Sint-Maarten".
Sorry, havent been on here in a while lol Toni, I would LOVE to go to cons if I could afford it! I just dont think my costume is quite good enough yet for a con, it looks very homemade (not even handmade, which is a step up from "homemade" lol).