Show me your craft room!

Discussion in 'Hobbies and Crafts' started by Netty, Jan 3, 2016.

  1. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Now that we have an empty room upstairs, I have decided that I am taking the space for my craft room. This room will have all my craft supplies as well as my sewing machine and anything else I use when feeling creative. These supplies are currently scattered all over the house ... paints in the dining room, glue guns in the kitchen, sewing supplies in random pockets of the basement ... I want to bring everything creative together in one room.
    Looking for ideas and inspiration :)
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  3. Sydney Smith

    Sydney Smith In Flower

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Hi Netty. Hope you are well. Like yourself I have a range of indoor interests and also like yours my equipment tended to be a "little dispersed" around the house - as you intend a spare room was used to get it all altogether. No special arrangements just cabinets and shelves/bookshelves - now have all my books - DVD's - CD's - Photography Eqpt - Painting bits and pieces -Hi-fi Units - etc all in one place. Have a table which I use to paint on and do the restoration jobs on any porcelain/china needing working on which is a special favourite hobby of mine. I know where everything is in there but have to say its a little "mixed up" (shambolic) at times - I refer to it as an "orderly disorderliness ". Works out a treat though and a very much better arrangement. Best wishes. Syd.
    2ofus, Henry Johnson and Netty like this.
  4. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Netty, I don't have a "craft" room, but after putting together a kitchen remodel... cabinets that fit your needs and plenty of good lighting are a must. As soon as I get the laundry room cleaned of all the "kitchen" overflow stuff, I intend to use it as storage for my stamping and scrapbooking stuff.... but not use it as a craft room as there really isn't space for that. If you aren't going with cabinets in your room shelving is the other option, just don't go with the really deep shelving, I have found that the deeper the shelf the more "stuff" gets put on and the back of the shelf is a lost cause for organization. My recommendation, just from experience, for depth is the 15"/18" deep size whether it is cabinets or shelving. If you can find it use a clear "shelf liner" such as plexiglass or a similar product you can find at a building supply store and have them cut it to the size of the shelf so the wire isn't making things sit crooked or fall through.. It will give extra lighting for the storage area, also. This worked really well in the closet I have the shelving in.
    Right now this is my "craft storage" area... My dear husband would be a bit distressed if I actually put stuff on his piano...
    100_1860.JPG 100_1859.JPG right now it is really messy looking as I haven't done anything other than look through to find "something" I needed for another project.
    2ofus, eileen, Netty and 1 other person like this.
  5. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    My craft room is a 10 ft x 10 ft space at the back of the room created from the garage renovation many years ago. I have two large barn wood shelf units closing my area off from the rest of the holds DVD's on the side behind my desk, the other unit holds yarn on the craft room side.

    I have a tight space for a chair when I want to hide and read.
    The craft table and an old chest of drawers for supplies and all sorts of stuff.


    I have a lot of circular knitting needles, I prefer them for ease and speed of knitting over the straights. So when it came time to get them organized I luckily found a belt to hang on the door for them. Each set of holes is marked with the size of needles it holds.

    Inexpensive shelves from a thrift store hold craft books and magazines, candle making supplies and assorted stuff as needed.
    And my yarn, which I really have to get busy and use. That's my plan for this year, lots of sweaters, hats, scarves and whatever being made for family and they had all better learn how to hand wash and take care of Wool and Alpaca cause I usually do not buy acrylic yarn.
    The walls hold lots of assorted paintings and photos I have collected from thrift stores of gardens or snow and a couple of jigsaw puzzles I have put together and framed.

    It's a might crowded since I continue to add junque finds and some won't fit in the closet but getting them outside is another project for this year.
    2ofus, eileen and Netty like this.

  6. 102christa

    102christa Seedling

    Nov 9, 2015
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    South Africa
    Toni that looks like such a fun room!
  7. Sydney Smith

    Sydney Smith In Flower

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Hi Netty. Further to my comments a few pics of my room - its quite small. DSC_0006-001.JPG DSC_0011.JPG DSC_0004-001.JPG
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  8. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Great spaces so far, thanks for sharing! As I read these posts, I am discovering I have more things that I would like to put in this room ... garden magazines, photography stuff, items for yard art I have collected etc.
    Carolyn, I made note of your comment about deep shelves. It's not something I would have thought of and I haven't decided what kind of shelving I'd like yet.
    Toni's shelves have given me a great idea for my garden magazines ... I really like the folders (for lack of a better word) and will look for some. I also love the rotating paint rack atop the blue dresser Toni - where did you find it?
    Syd-such a tidy space and hat sure makes the size deceiving. My space is quite small as well and now you have me thinking about how to keep it tidy and looking larger
  9. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    Christa, it is a fun room. Eclectically decorated with just whatever feels good to me and all things I enjoy looking at. The TV on the wall hubby gave me last year, it's doesn't receive TV signals but plays DVDs and CDs for when I am working and just need background noise.

    Netty, I got mine at Michaels many years ago for my birthday....I don't see them at the store any more but I found that is a good price, about half of what my Mom paid and 1/3rd of some others on ebay.
    The red thing on the wall above my craft table is a 1950's vintage veggie holder from a thrift store. The craft table is a drop leaf table I found last year.
    I tried storing the yarn in baskets but found that reduced the amount of storage space too much. I have collected assorted clear plastic bags for quite a while, you never know when you will need one and they weren't recycleable at that time, so the yarn is all kept in those (loosely sealed) to keep it clean and easy to see.
    A shutter (I collect those too) hanging from cord is the plant shelf in front of the window.
    The Magazine Files come in eveything from inexpensive cardboard to nicely decorated cardboard and you can see, mine do not match. I am just not a matchy-matchy person.
    And baskets, I love baskets, so there are quite a few used for storage in there.

    My space is small and probably looks much smaller in the photos but it's comfy. My Mom and Grandmother kept tidy, uncluttered homes.....they looked straight out of the pages of House Beautiful. Mine definitely do not. :whistling:
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2016
    2ofus and Netty like this.
  10. 2ofus

    2ofus Hardy Maple

    Aug 24, 2014
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    Idaho Mountains
    I've enjoyed looking at everyone's craft room. Not only handy but they seem to reflect each persons personality also. I've also picked up some ideas that I can use. I am in the process of changing my craft room from the upstairs attic room to the down stairs guest room. The downstairs room is smaller but it will be much handier than climbing stairs for me. Upstairs will be used as the 'guest' room. When I'm done I'll post pictures.

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