My dear hard-working and competent husband just finished making me a very sturdy garden bench! I have so many uses for it--up-potting, chitting potatoes, sorting herbs, etc. I am thrilled to my toes over this bench! He is my favorite, but this garden bench is running a close second!
You and your husband are welcome here any time Jane. Just tell him to pack his tools and be ready for a working holiday. I could certainly do with a bench like that!!
I showed hubby all your kind comments, and like a good Texan he said, "Ah, shucks". It is a great bench (and he's pretty good, too!). Eileen, he thought the idea of a "working vacation" sounded pretty good since all he gets around here is work, no vacation. He was packing up his miter saw, compressor, and various tools until he realized you are on 50 megahertz, and we aren't. Don't expect him anytime soon. Ronni, I am constantly having to beat women off that man! He is witty, intelligent, kind, and cute, and he can do most anything except cook (if he ever learns to cook he won't need me any longer). The bench is heavy since the gentle breezes we have around here have tossed sawhorses and other woodenware about like matchsticks. We can "scoot" the bench, but not lift it. Neither the bench nor I intend to budge from our spots!