Genius at work, (truck accident)!

Discussion in 'Member's Gallery' started by S-H, Apr 16, 2016.

  1. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    Early at dawn, just slightly before sunrise, when it was still somewhat dark - I heard something that felt like a muffled thud... At first I thought that maybe the PAF (Pakistan Air Force) was practicing again. So maybe one of their new jet fighters probably crossed the sound barrier accidentally.

    But soon I realized that sonic booms don't cause a tremble in the ground, which this thud had. So I then thought that maybe it was the Navy practicing with their coastal guns. However those guns have a completely different sound. However this wasn't a special day for any 21 gun solute. And whenever they practice, they are not usually a single shot. Because once they get going, they usually try out all their guns on the coast...

    So I thought that perhaps it was something else. Maybe a revenge attack by terrorists, or maybe an accident? Turned on the news channels to see if they knew what had happened? But they continued to show the same old boring stuff of the day before... Tried to listen outside, to see if I could hear any sirens of emergency vehicle? Yes there was something out there, but I couldn't be sure, as it was too distant to make any sense of.

    However later when it was time for me to go about my usual business - I saw this as I was driving! Turned out that the driver of this truck, (which was fully loaded with cement bags). Fell asleep at the wheel. So when a slight bend came in the road, he ended up driving on the divider. No one was hurt, as it was early at dawn. But the lesson learned here is that do not drive if you are feeling sleepy, (even if you happen to be a genius)...

    It all could have actually been a lot worse, but the 2 front wheels of this truck instantly detached from underneath, (immediately after the initial impact). And amazingly hit and jammed the rear wheels. Also, the drive shaft going to the deferential, too got detached from the gearbox and vegged into the ground, (functioning as an anchor) - Which I guess is how this fully loaded truck was brought to a halt on the divider. Otherwise a runaway truck of this size could have easily caused some serious damage elsewhere.

    accident 1.jpg

    accident 2.jpg

    accident 3.jpg

    accident 4.jpg

    accident 5.jpg
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2016
  2. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    I doubt very much that the driver will ever fall asleep at the wheel again. He was very lucky that he didn't injure himself or others. Thank goodness the divider was strong enough to stop the truck smashing through it.
  3. Ronni

    Ronni Hardy Maple

    Mar 30, 2013
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    Nashville Tennessee
    I am sorry to read about this and grateful that no one was hurt.

    That said, I am in LOVE with the truck's paint job!!!! Is it common to paint a truck like this, where you live S-H? I would love it if the truck driver's here did similar. I have a relative who's an OTR trucker....maybe I'll send her pics and we can start a movement!! ;)
    S-H likes this.
  4. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    I'm glad no-one was hurt. Falling asleep at the wheel is something that could happen to us all. I have to also agree with Ronni on the truck's paint job, so interesting!

  5. 2ofus

    2ofus Hardy Maple

    Aug 24, 2014
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    Idaho Mountains
    It is amazing that their were no injuries, well, except for the truck. I was also admiring the paint job! It's so detailed and brings to mind a Persian rug. Like Ronni, I'm wondering if this is common!
  6. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    Actually, from what I've heard, the driver (who I have named "Mr. Genius") is now totally unable to sleep - Inside the police lockup that is, for recklessly endangering others, and himself too... Don't forget, this is Pakistan. Which means that either you'll never get caught. Or if caught, then they'll really throw the book at you! I mean, laws over here are such that if (hypothetically speaking) someone's suicide attempt fails, then they get to face attempted murder charges, which actually can be punishable by death... So I seriously doubt if that driver will ever sit behind the wheel again! :p

    However jokes aside, everyone who's seen this accident is amazed that no one was seriously injured... And I myself am also surprised to see the entire front suspension, steering rack, axle, and the wheels - Detach so cleanly... I honestly have never seen this happen anywhere in my live... :confused:

    So you guys like that kind of paint job? Yes it's very common over here, something traditional actually. Has been for like 250+ years or more maybe... Because before trucks, this kind of a paint job use to be on horse carriages and ox carts. Today it is called "Pakistani truck art", and is common on all heavy commercial vehicles, (like private trucks and buses). If you guys want to see more, just put these exact same keywords ["Pakistani truck art"] into Google search,and see all the pictures...

    Yes it's somewhat of a tradition, front of the truck is often painted in this way, however at the rear there is either a portrait of someone, or a highly detailed mural of a landscape. Now the general rules dictate that if you opt for a portrait of someone, then it can be of the driver's daddy, granddaddy, or child. Or it can even be of the driver's wife, while a few have a youthful picture of their own moms painted on the back also. However usually, (specially if the driver is single), then this portrait can even be of some 3rd class cheap B movie actress (which the driver might be fantasizing about day and night)... Or it can be of their most favorite political personality too, (former Field Martial and President Ayub Khan is very popular). But some hothead drivers have a portrait of our military war heroes too! So the portrait on the back basically tells you what sort of a person the driver is. Is he a straight arrow who always did what his daddy told him to? Or is he a mama's boy? Or someone who is always mesmerized by cheap movie actresses?

    But if there is a mural of a landscape painted on the back, then tradition dictates that it has to be a scenery from the driver's homeland. However be it a portrait of someone, or a landscape mural - It has to be extremely detailed, and very accurate also - Otherwise the driver will be accused of inaccuracy and/or exaggeration. Either one of which will insure a serious loss of business. As people will say that he is clearly an incompetent person, with no eye for detail, thus they very quickly lose faith in his driving abilities... And so just like this, if there is any truck or bus that is not painted in such a way, is also seen as very suspicious. Because then people start to wonder if the driver is trying to hide his past, or is running away from something from his past? Either way, superstition now dictates that any truck that is not painted like this, is bad news... Unless it is owned by the government, or the military.

    All of this I personally think of as nothing but total hogwash, (as I am not a traditionalist)! :rofl:

    But yes, this tradition has indeed got something to do with Persian rugs... Because Persia (now Iran) is our next door neighboring nation. So naturally, we share a lot in common - The official language of Pakistan, which is Urdu, has way too many Persian and Arabic words in it also... So the same holds true for many things from both our cultures.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2016
    Tooty2shoes, 2ofus and Frank like this.
  7. Tooty2shoes

    Tooty2shoes Hardy Maple

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Denmark, Wis.
    S-H--Wow I also love the paint job on those trucks. Like you said, thankfully no on was injured. That big of truck could have done a lot of damage.
  8. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    I am actually a bit amazed at you all, as you guys really seem to like that paint job - Which to me frankly speaking is somewhat annoying, (kind of like an unavoidable eyesore)... It's like when someone over here dresses up in a very flashy or gaudy way - We often say to them (as a taunt), have you now all of a sudden become a trucker??? :rofl: :smt044

    But I guess this is something new to you guys, so perhaps that's why it seems interesting... But to us (who get to see this all the time), it's something that screams cheap, or symbolizes a near total lack of taste and class - I mean, wold any one of you really want to decorate your cars in such a way? As well as paint a picture of someone like, I don't know, maybe Kim Kardashian on the back??? :snicker: More to the point, would any of you allow your kids to drive around in such a car? With your own picture painted on the back??? :chuckle:

    No, of course not, as only jerky eating and tobacco spitting truck drivers are this hideous, narcissistic, completely tasteless, as well as absolutely shameless... :smt005

    Seriously guys, come to your senses please... :D Have you all forgotten about Tahir Shah, the toxic Pakistani singer?

    Now if you think he too is good at what he does, then I guess it would make sense why you'd like this truck art too... :p
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2016
    Tooty2shoes likes this.
  9. 102christa

    102christa Seedling

    Nov 9, 2015
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    South Africa
    I don't know S-H, I love colour and patterns and if it makes people happy why not? Life has enough rules and complications for us to go and add more on to it... :flower:
  10. 2ofus

    2ofus Hardy Maple

    Aug 24, 2014
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    Idaho Mountains
    I commented about the paintings on the truck because I have never seen one. The closest I've seen were the Volkswagen vans that the hippy's in the 60's painted. Some of them were pretty psychedelic but nothing as detailed as the ones you posted. Would I drive a vehicle painted like that? Only in a parade! :p;)
    Tooty2shoes likes this.
  11. Tooty2shoes

    Tooty2shoes Hardy Maple

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Denmark, Wis.
    Ya yes. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Here in the States we very seldom see such art work on vehicles. But I guess if I had to look at every truck painted like those everyday I would probably think they where an eyesore also. I do like al the bright colors.
  12. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    OK, I think I can understand why you guys like the explosion of colors in this type of Pakistani truck art - I mean, who doesn't like colors? :)

    However, in my mind, this artwork is now deeply intertwined with the obnoxious and highly cantankerous attitude of our truckers... And what you can't experience from these pictures, are the unimaginably loud, irritating, and downright hideous horns these trucks are installed with! So if you all experienced that, then you too will find this truck art very offensive upon sight... :rofl:

  13. Tooty2shoes

    Tooty2shoes Hardy Maple

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Denmark, Wis.
    :eek: I can see what you mean. If a car or truck pulled up behind me and blew such a horn I probably would drive right off the road in shock. But I can see how one could have fun composing songs with a horn system like that. ;)
    S-H likes this.
  14. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    They say that the loudest ever man made sound, was from the Tsar Bomba (the Soviet built 50 megaton H-bomb). However, the loudest sound from a man made machine, was of the Saturn V rocket, (which took man to the moon). So the sound of Saturn V (measured about a mile away) was 160 decibels. I'm not a 100% sure, but I think 160 was the number... Anything above 120 starts to cause serious pain to humans, and anything above 135 will result in some type of permanent hearing loss.

    Pakistani pressure horns mounted on trucks (usually 4 to 6 of them together) easily cross 150 decibels on the road, (measured from a car right in front of them)...

    Last edited: Apr 24, 2016

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