There was a frost here while I was in Omaha! Fiddlesticks!!! Lost about half the cabbage starts, and about 5 of the tomato's don't look so good. I still have tomato plants, and new cabbage starts. Are we ever going to get warmer weather and sunshine?
Bummer dude. It's been weird weather here too. I'm not used to May being this cold and drizzly. Oh well, in a couple months we'll all be complaining that it's too damn hot!! Sorry about your cabbage and tomatoes though.
I'm glad you've got extra tomatoes and cabbage. It seems like our summer is late too. Our last frost date is (supposedly) June first but the weatherman is forecasting below freezing tonight!
thats too bad , but the cabbage got toasted? it loves cold weather. Were they really little or what? I have mine out and have been out for a month maybe... they are loving this weather. I have never had more beautiful cabbage since I started gardening... I think. I wish I had some to give you but it is really cheaper to go buy it instead of getting it mailed.. Are they really dead or just a couple leaves burned? Is there still a center to the plant? if so they should be okay.
Wow. I have been in the mid atlantic region so long I forget there are still frosty parts this time of year. Sorry for your losses. Keep going!
Hi Carolyn, I was gone for a week, so I don't have details of care or lack thereof. I'm leaning toward lack. I've got more cabbage hardening off right now, so I won't lose much. Waiting for the soil to dry out a bit so I can replant the tomato's. I'll be getting some pepper replacements later today after work. Why do things like work have to interfere with the important stuff, like gardening.
yeah, I have heard people remark that have retired... How did I ever have time for a job?... seems to be a common thread for those who are busy and stay busy.