how do you store your seeds?

Discussion in 'Seed Starting / Propagation' started by 102christa, Jun 2, 2016.

  1. 102christa

    102christa Seedling

    Nov 9, 2015
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    South Africa
    I've got a lot of seeds (especially cause I can't seem to stop buying them :oops:) and I won't use them all in the near future, especially not until we hit spring again over here, so I've been googling how to store them. I found a couple of sites saying freezing is a great idea and then after I got excited about it I found other sites saying not to do it.... As usual, colour me confused.... So Stewies, in your experience....?
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  3. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Hiya Een-nul-twee....

    I save seeds every year. I save them in paper envelopes mostly, because I believe that this is the best way to preserve them. saving them in plastic is a questionable practice because the most minuscule amount of moisture can cause your seeds to allow fungus to begin. You can freeze them as do most of the seed-banks in the world, but I do not have the room for all that gedoe.
    Some seeds I just save in the seed-packs in which they came. I just seal these off with tape and a "pull tab".

    Inevitably, after a number of years, I wind up with uncountable numbers of opened seed packs...which even I see will never be used. What do I do then?...I do something very naughty: I throw all the seeds together in a plastic box...hustle them up thoroughly, and then mix them with some watered soil that is the consistency of clay. form small balls and then I throw these balls of mud and seeds on unused council ground and let them germinate after rain falls. I am waiting now to see how my latest attempt will work out. I have "balled" the weed strips along a stretch of train line. We shall see how that goes.

    Good luck with your search and saving project, meid.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2016
  4. 102christa

    102christa Seedling

    Nov 9, 2015
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    South Africa
    Sjoerd I love that idea!!! :headbang: I know for a fact the butternut seeds won't even need encouragement :snicker: Ek gaan jou defnitief na-aap...

    You just have to post those pics when you get results!

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