Hosta/woodland Garden....and yes I love talking about my garden

Discussion in 'Member's Gallery' started by Jewell, Jul 2, 2016.

  1. Sydney Smith

    Sydney Smith In Flower

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Hi islandlife. Its nice for us all to talk and exchange thoughts and ideas about our plants and gardens - we all have something interesting to say be we novice or experienced I think. The more you garden the more you learn and much pleasure and a great sense of achievement is gained thereby I have found. In bigger pots they may look a little "lonely" at first but properly cared for they do well and increase - I use all plain pots.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2016
    Jewell likes this.
  2. Raddang

    Raddang In Flower

    Jul 15, 2016
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    County of Kent, UK
    Hostas and ferns, I love the restful green shades, and minimal maintenance (check my signature ;)).
    Jewell your garden is looking beautiful, and Islandlife, you have really got a lot going on in your garden too. All the gardens are looking great :like:
    Philip Nulty and Jewell like this.
  3. Islandlife

    Islandlife Young Pine

    Jul 8, 2016
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    @Raddang - I quite like your ferns. We have lots of wild ferns here that seem to literally be able to grow out of rock and survive and look good. I'd like to be able to find some that I could get going in pots (BTW I have a smaller version of your red clay pot) and then put UP on pedestals (have some outdoor metal ones). Am thinking the ferns would come over the pots very nicely - drape ;) and add some height to the front yard. Am going to have to think on how I can maybe even propagate my own ferns to get what I'm looking for.

    @Sydney Smith - I'm definitely learning as I'm going and definitely appreciate all the input. Seem to learn something every day. My only problem is at my age retaining it ;) I definitely think your idea of bigger pots is better. This past spring I actually stopped using all my little pots. Too much work and the small size usually created problems (root bound, drying out fast). I'm definitely going now for the biggest size pots I can manage.
    Philip Nulty and Jewell like this.
  4. Jewell

    Jewell Incorrigible Gardener Plants Contributor

    Dec 17, 2008
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    Puget Sound Region of the Pacific NW,Zone7b
    Islandlife, the native sword ferns do well in pots. Most other ferns also. Mine were free because some people don't appreciate these natives. They do take some maintenance of getting rid of old fronds.

    The hostas grow pretty quickly...three years from starter pots to full size for most of mine. I have had to move seven...three went into pots until I can decide on proper placement. Almost all of mine have been acquired from clearance sales and plant sales.

    Still have one more to move. Decisions, decisions. I think yours look lovely in their pots on the patio. Very elegant!

    Thanks Raddang for the compliment.

    Syd you always have great advise.
    Islandlife and Philip Nulty like this.

  5. Cayuga Morning

    Cayuga Morning Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    New England
    Beautiful pics Jewell. You have a way with plants. I like how you talk about moving this or that plant here or there. Great approach to gardening.
    Jewell and Philip Nulty like this.
  6. Sydney Smith

    Sydney Smith In Flower

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Hi. I have always enjoyed having some different herbaceous perennial plants growing in pots/containers - placing them in a small group and rearranging now and then for a changing scene - Its the foliage contrast I go for more than anything (masses of scope) and treat the flowers as a bonus. Also useful if a plant fails or finishes and leaves a gap in the border - put a suitable potted plant in its place.
    Have enjoyed doing this since there's so many different combinations of leaf shapes sizes and colour to go for. Select plants with similar growth habits etc. Hostas always feature, a nice Astilbe next to it with a swordshape & others looks great.
    I have some different bigger & smaller Ferns around the garden - a couple are evergreen and the others need cutting back carefully to the newly appearing fronds in spring - I love to see these new fronds "unwinding". A very humble little favourite which I have had for many many years is our native HartsTongue Fern with its strap shaped foliage - the others are typically "Ferny" in variety.
    Ferns with their lovely foliage also are a good contrast plant as can be seen with Jewells Hostas..
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2016
    Jewell and Philip Nulty like this.
  7. Islandlife

    Islandlife Young Pine

    Jul 8, 2016
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    @Jewell - Didn't really realize that native ferns would grow in pots! I have a couple of fern stands just waiting for plants to be put on them too :) :) :) I think I'm going to cruise the back and see if I can find a decent fern or ferns and get some started. So far 'most' of my stuff out front is at ground level. I want to add more interest by adding some plants 'up high'............It was Ronni who had hanging ferns outside on her Porch and it looked lovely. Will see what I can find in some native plants.

    I got all the hostas I have last year when we were going through record drought and the local WalMart decided to basically sell off all their plants so they didn't have to water them anymore. Course most of the hostas were not identified and didn't have name tags but I figured I couldn't go far wrong considering the price. My challenge was to water them given all the water restrictions but watering plants IN containers wasn't too bad.

    Soon as our stores put "sales" on hostas they have left I'll be getting another 1 or 2 for these pots out front and these ones will go into the garden behind the house. The one hosta is just too big for the pot so breaking over and I do think I'd prefer a variegated hosta for out front for the added colour.

    Will let you know what I end up with :) :) re: hostas and ferns :)
    Jewell and Philip Nulty like this.
  8. Sydney Smith

    Sydney Smith In Flower

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Hi islandlife. Look forward to seeing your new arrangement. May I mention that I have found most herbaceous perennials will grow in pots. To perhaps accompany the Hostas ?.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2016
    Jewell likes this.
  9. Islandlife

    Islandlife Young Pine

    Jul 8, 2016
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    My task (or chore) is to now find nice larger pots :) :) :)
  10. waretrop

    waretrop Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Oct 8, 2011
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    north eastern Pennsylvania
    I love talking about all of our gardens and more than that I love seeing pics of them. I love your hostas. One day I will make a record of what I have and have a head count.....One of my favorite plants....
    Jewell likes this.

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