Netty, not really a little room. When we bought this house the previous owner had converted the garage into a room. The shutters and the shelves fit into the opening in the wall that conversion left between the livingroom and the "side" room. We have a large bookcase, upright piano, my computer desk and a small chaise lounge for reading or napping in the front half and my craft room in the back half. Both my daughter and my husband have had their room to hide out in for some alone time and now I have one too and really enjoy it.
Sounds like something I could use too! The only place I can go around here for alone time is the garden - and now it's too COLD to go out there!
Manolok, did you see the before pictures? Good luck with your project.
Glad this topic got a bump, I missed it before. Hasn't this made a tremendous difference!?! I love it.