We are fortunate in that we don't have deer damage in our yard or gardens. We've seen only one deer in nine years. We have rosemary in the flower beds and deer don't like rosemary. The vegetable gardens are out in the open, not near any cover, so perhaps the deer are leery of being so exposed. However, friends who live near Sandy Creek have a definite deer problem. The deer come in at twilight, browse the fruit trees, eat ornamentals, and generally do quite a bit of damage. Do you have a deer problem, and if so, how do you deal with it? Our friends would love to know! (They can't plant rosemary all over the place!)
UGH, this is a problem we have been dealing with at work for YEARS!! After trying scarecrows, pie plates, rail fence, 8 ft deer mesh fence, and finally electric fence, I have come to the conclusion that nothing will keep out hungry deer indefinitely. I think the best attempt has been the electric fence, and with a little 'tweaking' it may keep them out. I might also add that the deer problem only began after the company dog 'Sam' crossed rainbow bridge.
We don't have any deer problems here other than the fact that they only come out when it's not hunting season. But there are cornfields and oarchards all around my property. I imagine they will be coming into my little spot sooner or later though since all the corn has been harvested and the orchards have been picked clean.
I lived in an area that suffered terrible deer damage. Lasted just shy of 2 years there before moving.
We used to have deer problems before our last move. You just try to find things they don't like. Most of the damage they did was to the trees, I think the bucks rub their antlers on the tree for scent. Not sure about my reply if it is right.
So if we all get a large sounding barking dog recording and play it softly we may not get deer??? That sounds good to me. LOL. That really may work. I really don't have a deer problem. I noticed they work with me sometimes. I didn't have to cut as many Hosta back this fall. They did it for me...
Before I moved to my present home the last place was absolutely plagued by deer. The older ones would not touch some plants that were supposedly 'deer resistant' however the young ones still had to take a chomp to learn they didn't like it. As there seems to be no culling of deer at all they are becoming more and more prolific which means several things: cougars are now coming into town for easy prey ('cept people are afraid of them so these do sadly, unfortunately get shot), the deer are less and less discriminating so even typical deer resistant plants are now getting eaten and the number of deer being hit by cars is going up up up.
I'm still in the same town but in a different area that doesn't seemed so plagued. I have, however, seen the odd buck walk by. I swear if they start moving in and destroying my gardens again I'm going to get a huge hulking vicious dog and stake him out on a rope just to keep them away!