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Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Ronni, Nov 29, 2016.

  1. Ronni

    Ronni Hardy Maple

    Mar 30, 2013
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    Nashville Tennessee
    BEST VACATION EVER!!!! But now it's over. I'm home and back at work. I have to say, I do enjoy being back to a routine, even if I'm not happy about being back at work! ;)

    We got back to California late Wednesday night, and then had Thanksgiving with my daughter in law's family on Thursday....and that was another first! A completely different kind of Thanksgiving dinner than I've ever had. Mayra is mexican, and the dinner reflected that.

    Her Mom's table was weighted down with a whole bunch of authentic mexican cooking. And I have to tell you, it was DELICIOUS. I had never been a fan of mexican food, just not something I've ever cared for...until I tasted Mayra's cooking. OMG! So THAT'S what it's supposed to taste like! And obviously her Mama taught her well, because the food she served was to die for!

    Enchiladas, empanadas, mole, and a whole bunch of other dishes whose names I can't remember. Two different flavors of mexican bread pudding for dessert, and a rice pudding dish, all of which were delicious. I could barely move! And in honor of Thanksgiving, there was turkey too, which I didn't even touch because there were too many other dishes to sample!

    I stayed in California through Saturday, and hopped a flight late in the day which got me back into Nashville close to midnight Saturday. Ed picked me up, and we went straight to his house because I didn't want to arrive here at home so late, setting off the dogs, waking the kids etc. He had to leave early Sunday morning to take his oldest back to college, and I left his house soon after that and came home.

    I was very surprised at how much I missed everyone! I mean, I expected to, some, y'know? But not as much as I did, especially Rivs and Lulu, and sweet little Milo. Sure was nice to get hugs from them Sunday morning when I walked in! :heart:

    And then I was barely home 24 hours before William had to take off for San Jose CA...a work related thing. So it's just Paige and me with the kiddos this week. Glad he didn't have to leave till I got back.

    I purposely worked really hard for a couple of weeks before I left to lose some weight, knowing that I was going to stuff my face and drink mass quantities while I was vacationing! So I lost 4 pounds, and at my weigh in yesterday, I've gained 3.2 pounds of it back. I expect my weight to continue to go up, just a bit more, because it seems it takes a week to 10 days for excess eating to turn to fat in my system. Along with getting caught up with all my laundry Sunday I went to the grocery store, and stocked back up on all my usual foods so that I can get back to my normal, boring way of eating, just a bit more restricted calorie-wise, so that I can shed the couple of extra pounds that I'll ultimately end up with, just in time for Xmas and all that food excess!!!

    Back to usiness as usual for me folks. Well, not really, because OMG IT'S ALMOST CHRISTMAS!!!!! :eek::oops:o_O
    Sjoerd likes this.
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  3. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    So glad your back safe and sound Ronni. I think your family would have missed you as much as you missed them. Mayra's cooking sounds delicious and I'm so pleased you enjoyed it so much. As for your weight I'd forget about any extra pounds until after Christmas. After all who wants to diet over the festive season?
  4. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Welcome back, Ronni.
    It was plain to see that you had a really great time. One could see that from your posts. Thanks loads for those.

    ....Yuppers--it's great to have you back.
  5. kate

    kate In Flower

    Oct 8, 2009
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    Welcome back Ronni!

  6. Islandlife

    Islandlife Young Pine

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Welcome back :) :)
  7. Ronni

    Ronni Hardy Maple

    Mar 30, 2013
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    Nashville Tennessee
    Thanks guys! I have to say, it was a shock to spend two weeks in those lovely warm climates...CA was a pleasant 70'ish while I was there...and then to come back to COLD BRRRRR!!! The Nashville temps had been unseasonably warm when I left. But when I got back they'd adjusted to be more seasonal. Man!! THAT was a shock! When I walked out of the airport, even though it wasn't that cold, it almost took my breath away for an instant. Jeez!

    Temps have been steadily dropping since. Not supposed to get above the 30's today. I'm still adjusting! :(

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