My husband took this video of our somewhat resident Caracaras. They drop in frequently, scan the field for a possible snack, and sometimes just sit there and think deep thoughts.
Do you know if they are a pair Jane? They are really handsome birds and if we had them here I wouldn't be able to tear myself away from looking at them.
"When is this lady going to put out some scraps for us"......I couldn't resist. But they are handsome birds and do seem content to just sit and ponder....
Eileen, we don't know if they are male and female, although two of our bird ID books say that Caracaras are usually found in pairs. Raddang, we don't feed the Caracaras--they have strong talons and legs so they can chase down prey on the ground, and they can also swoop down from their tree perch to hit prey from the air. I don't want to encourage them to hunt/eat near the barn where our lady hens live. They couldn't get at our chickens, but they sure could scare the beejeebers out of them!