I hate colds!

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Ronni, Jan 5, 2017.

  1. Ronni

    Ronni Hardy Maple

    Mar 30, 2013
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    Nashville Tennessee
    I've done the hot toddy thing. I've done the Vicks vaporub on the feet thing. I've taken all kinds of supplements above and beyond what I normally take. Tea with honey. Cold meds. Aspirin. Lots of rest (when I can..I also had a bunch of work.) It's been a miserable week. :crying:

    Happy to report I've turned the corner. My abdominal muscles are screaming from all the coughing, and I'm still blowing my nose and coughing some, and I sound squeaky and ridiculous, but I don't have that I-want-to-die feeling any more, nor feel like I'm going to! ;)

    Thank goodness!!! Of course, now I'm just behind on so many fronts, both work and personal, that I'm going to be in scramble mode for this next week playing catchup. But the good news is that I feel like doing that, instead of barely being able to make it upstairs to bed before I collapse!

    Thanks for all your well wishes! :heart:
  2. cajuncappy

    cajuncappy In Flower

    Feb 8, 2015
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    ecinasia golden seal helps and works better as a preventative. silver coloidal in water really helps ya feel better. Lots of vitamin c we are lucky there with all our citrus. Mama's home remedy soup with way too many juliened onions sweated down and way too much garlic added with chicken and parsley and boiled to oblivion. spicy with cayenne pepper and a couple jalapenos thrown in helps too. Put ya feet up and drink hot lemon tea with honey and a shot of rum or whisky. Medicine aint gotta taste bad. silver coloidal in water is taste less the soup and warm lemon tea are delicous. Give em a try

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