It was a wonderful birthday with family and a few close friends living here. There were flowers, a couple of gifts and lots to eat and drink. My mate came over for supper. The Bride and I made burrito's and stuff for him and then afterwards the rest of the guests came and we offered them this lovely thing--- a sachertorte. Well, this one may not be as good as those in Wien, but it was way more than a little tasty. We also had some cheesecake as a choice for anyone that might not care for chocolate. After the sachertorte with tea/ was time for the fun with snacks and drinks of all sorts. In this country it is the person having the birthday that pays for the birthday cakes and food, We were busy days in advance for this night. When the conversation began to wane and people began yawning it was time for them to leave. They began melting away and finally we were alone again. We cleaned everything up and filled the dishwasher to be turned on in the morning. It was very late, so the birthday boy and his Bride headed off to the sand room for a bit of z-time.
What a lovely birthday celebration! I must ask, do you actually know people who do not like chocolate? I've never encountered one, and if I did, I'd wonder if that person was an alien, visiting from a non-chocolate eating planet.
Hahahaha....JANE--No, I do not know anyone that doesn't like chocolate; but having said that, there were a number of folks that chose the cheesecake over the sachertorte. I was amazed, but glad they could be happy. It meant leftovers for me the next few days. chortle. Thanks so much EILEEN--I am hoping for many more as well. hahaha.
Me, me, I don't like chocolate very much cooked in things, give me a bar or box of chocs, but I'm not a chocolate cake lover.
See Jane, there are some folks who aren't especially fond of choccy. I got a box of chocolates for my birthday from a chocolatier nearby, EJ. I am one of those blokes that loves choc (dark only) in any form. hahaha. The Bride and i have to skuffle for them when they are in the house. chuckle.
The Bride and i have to skuffle for them when they are in the house. Sjoerd, many years ago my husband learned to not get between me and a box of chocolates! I try to restrain my chocoholic tendencies, but sometimes a girl just needs a trifle of chocolate truffle.
Thanks KK-- There are two pieces left. JANE--We are showing epic restraint and limiting ourselves to one bon-bon each, per day. She isn't having it when I say that I will stay just up just a little bit longer to watch the news when she goes to bed. ....What??
Sounds like you had a fun and very tasty Birthday, Sjoerd! I'm glad you had a good time. Belated Happy Birthday.
NETTY--I'll bet that you would really like this torte. Thanks a mil, CAROLYN--it wsas a really good time. I appreciate your birthday wishes, 2OF--Cheers.
Sorry I couldn't make it, our invitation must have gotten lost in the mail.... Happy to hear you had a Happy Birthday Sjoerd ....
No worries Sherry. I reckon that you were enjoying your new home and in a trance of happiness. chuckle. Well, it is a beautiful home and on a wonderful piece of land. was a nice birthfday there were some good eats. Thanks so much for your well-wishes.