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Let The Good Times Roll

Discussion in 'Fruit and Veg Gardening' started by Sjoerd, Apr 9, 2018.

  1. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    The broad beans on the windowsill have become lanky and when hardening-off on the balcony, they flop about like boiled spaghetti. I guess what doesn't kill them will make them hardier. The spuds ave chitted and are perhaps even too long, but today is the day--in they go.
    The broad beans: First the debris was raked-away and holes were made with a bulb-planter and The beans which were germinated in root-trainers were lowered into the holes. I held them erect and poured water in around the periphery of the hole, letting the water take the loose ground down...filling the holes in around the plants.

    We pulled off a bit more mulch in order to make two rows of spinach seeds. The seeds were planted and covered with vermiculite to hold moisture.

    Boy, when I look at these pics, I can see how much work there is to be done. A side comment is that (and it is still early days) the strawb plants to the right of the small white signs were given mychorrhizal fungi when planted. It may be coincidence that the plantlets there look more leafy than the same types to the left of the signs....on the other hand....
    Well, like I said, it still early days.

    Then the spuds:

    I planted them in my usual way at the bottom of the trenches. Every year that I use that furrow-maker I am happy that I have it. I feel like a sort of plough horse sometimes. It is always guess-work as to how much soil to cover them with in the beginning--You don't want to make them too deep for fear of rotting, and not to shallow for fear of frost damage.

    You can see that I have four furrows and here and there you can see sticks. in the furrows. These are to mark where one sort ends and another sort begins. We had four different sorts, but not an equal number of seed spuds.

    The greenhouse in the background is the next project. Last years soil must be shovelled out and a new mixture must be shovelled into the empty trenches. A little wait then in go the toms. Whoopee!

    A little bit of sunshine and warmer weather and it will be all systems, go. --Laissez les bon temps rouler !
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  3. fatbaldguy

    fatbaldguy In Flower

    Mar 26, 2011
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    SW Ohio
    And yet once again I will say; I may go to hell for coveting you luscious looking soil. Literally TONS of organic matter into and onto my garden and I have but a couple of inches of soil that looks like that.
    carolyn and Sjoerd like this.
  4. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Sojerd, again this year I used your trench method of planting potatoes. I planted on March 17, and they are up, lots of green leaves, and I've finished filling in the trenches. This method is SO much easier than trying to hill potatoes. With so much to do at this time of the year, I really appreciate not spending an hour or more trying to drag soil over the plants. When we have our first meal of new potatoes, I'll raise a glass in a toast to you!
    FBG, think what your soil would be without your organic matter! We had the same when we moved here--basically good soil but very heavy--and now it is so much better (it took 10 years of effort, but we weren't doing much of anything else, anyway:setc_063:.
  5. KK Ng

    KK Ng Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2009
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    Malacca, Malaysia.
    I'm happy that the planting season had started, now I don't have to be the lone "farmer" here! :)

    I did got my potatoes planted and I don't seem to be able to find the time to post my potato journey. Will try to get it done soon.:fingerscrossed:
    hummerbum and Sjoerd like this.

  6. Odif

    Odif Young Pine

    May 2, 2017
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    pyrenees orientales
    I planted 2 rows of potatoes in trenches, but we are supposed to still wait for a couple of weeks according to the old wisdom. I will plant the bulk of my potatoes just after the next full moon.
    Sjoerd likes this.
  7. Islandlife

    Islandlife Young Pine

    Jul 8, 2016
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    So far all I have in are onions (Spanish), peas and lettuce. I got crazy when the sun came out for two days straight and planted then the weather reverted back to rain. I'm hoping all is growing vs rotting......(time will tell)
    Sjoerd likes this.
  8. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Heh, heh, heh FBG--When Pearly Gate time comes, you may want to inquire about the feasibility of being buried in my soil. ;)--chuckle.
    Thanks very much for your compliment though. I spend more time on my soil than I do actually growing veg and blooms. It is my main focus, for I believe that if my soil is "right", then the rest will do well. Like Jane says--it takes a very long time to build up the soil and get it to the place that you want it to be...I hope that you will just continue doing what you do, because eventually it will get "right" for you.

    JANE--You just say the nicest things. I am thrilled that you are having success with this technique. I SO know what you mean about being so busy at this time of year.
    Cheers to you (ahead of time).

    KK--I will be looking forward to seeing and reading about your "potato journey".

    I hope that your spuids do well for you this year, ODIF.

    Fingers crossed for you, ISLAND.
    hummerbum and marlingardener like this.
  9. Islandlife

    Islandlife Young Pine

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Hasn't rained since I made the post - it has POURED! Almost non-stop and here I was worried I should have wet down the pea seeds before planting them! Definitely the flood gates are open here. Not sure how it'll play out for the garden
    hummerbum, Sjoerd and Cayuga Morning like this.
  10. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Things are looking great in your garden Sjoerd, and I'm green with envy.
    We just got more snow dumped on us and I'm not happy at all.
    I want to play in the gardens!
    Sjoerd likes this.
  11. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    I am with FBG..... on the other hand we did just get a manure spreader so that should make it easier to get the amendments on the gardens. there is just always so much to get done. finally got all the prunings picked up the high tunnel cleaned out and the castor bean debris burned on Friday night. the weather has been soooooooooooo cold here.. nothing is looking like Spring here. nothing. I just saw daffodils on Friday. I saw the maple trees getting ready to bloom yesterday.
    Sjoerd likes this.
  12. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    That sounds dismal, ISLAND. Sorry to hear about your moistness there. We are due for some warmer and dryer weather over here, perhaps it will extend to your area. :fingerscrossed:

    Thanks so much, NETTY--It is alarming that more snow has fallen there. I sure hope that changes VERY soon.

    Boy CAROLYN--a manure spreader. You've hit the bigtime! Now I'M jealous. :D
    hummerbum likes this.
  13. EJ

    EJ Allotmenteer Extraordinaire

    Jan 10, 2006
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    Isnt spring great! I love getting out and getting things planted. Looks great sjoerd.
    hummerbum likes this.
  14. hummerbum

    hummerbum Young Pine

    Aug 19, 2011
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    Savannah GA
    Man, Sjoerd after looking at everyone else's growing on over the winter ;), you are out the gate, hard and fast. I'm so glad that you are able to get out now because for a minute there, I was starting to worry about you with cabin fever!!! Happy Gardening my friend!

    Netty & Islandlife.. I just cannot phathom snow at this time of the year, but then again, the climate is all over the place. The rain is here. We have 80 degree days one day, the next its 50/60s. My green beans took a direct hit because of wind, rain, cold all in one day, so I had to start over with them.

    Carolyn, the roses in the botanical garden are showing out right now, if the rain doesn't damage them.
    2ofus likes this.
  15. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Thanks you so much, EJ---I'm with you on that.--it truly is really great.

    Thanks HUMMER--Things are rolling along here now.
    hummerbum likes this.

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