I live in zone 7b. I have 6 beautiful furbabies. I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee flowers and trees. We bought this place and no trees or anything and I have worked hard to plant everything I can find and afford. Happy to be here
Hi BubbasMom and a hearty welcome to GardenSttew You are working with a blank canvas garden? That's really cool and I'm sure many gardeners would be envious Glad to have you join us.
Welcome! Can't wait to see some pics of your efforts. There is good people here with a vast supply of knowledge.
Welcome! From your posting name I'm guessing you are from the south. We are in Texas, zone 8a or b, depending on the wind. I envy you your "blank slate" since you don't have to remove a lot of unwanted and unwelcome vegetation. We'll all pitch in to help, give advice, and cheer your efforts!