Tree lawn? Do you mean your own front and back yard? I don't know of any town/city that restricts that but I am sure some Home Owners Associations are egotistical enough to believe they have the right to restrict home owners from planting what they want, where they want.
I am not familiar with the term 'tree lawn'. Are you talking about the town green (town square) or a person's own yard? In our area, people can plant whatever they want on their property. Our towns decide what to plant on the town green. I think the garden club gets involved in the decisions about the town green.
To define TREE LAWN, I am referring to the area of lawn between the residents's public sidewalk and the street. One lady was told she could not have a sunflower on her tree lawn.
That would be what I call the H*** Strip. There is only one restriction about planting there down where I live and that is there must be at least 12 inches between the curb and plantings...not counting grass. Which reminds me, we have to figure out what kind of fence to put there to keep people who park there from walking across my plants to get to the sidewalk.
Oh!! I have not heard that term before. I live in a small town that does not have sidewalks....I have seen that area in larger towns planted with various plants, but I don't know about restrictions.
I think our town has a rule about the height of the plants so drivers can see pets or children close to the road.
That little grass area is called boulevard, median, ****strip, parkway, verge or tree belt.... it's a place I have always loved. I just think it is a pretty place that is being forgotten....I do believe most towns own that space..
Yep, Trumpet vines can take over and the sign was not that persons personal property so it makes perfect sense that the city required it be removed.
I've seen a trumpet vine climing up a telephone pole. It was in glorious bloom! Of course if that pole ever needed servicing....
Sometimes it is best to check your city regulations before planting anything in that section. Like with mine, I can plant anything I want but have to be sure to leave 12 inches from the curb to the fence or beginning of the plantings so people who park on the street will have a safe place to step when getting our of their car.
We have a green strip of ??lawn ?? weeds that is probably the equivalent of a tree lawn. We have no curbs and no sidewalks, but this area is runs along the road and is owned by the town. People park on it when they come to visit, hence it's sorry condition.