My devious husband

Discussion in 'Pets' started by marlingardener, Oct 16, 2018.

  1. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    This morning was wet, cold, and windy. My considerate, kind, and slightly sneaky husband told me to stay inside and he'd take care of feeding and checking on the hens. He also said that with the rain, the cats needed to come into the kitchen to eat.
    All three cats showed up and came into the barricaded kitchen (we love cats, but we also know what they can do). They ate, and then proceeded to create havoc. I picked Timi off the countertop where she was perched, and when I turned around, Cali was eye-to-eye with me while she sat on the island. I removed her, and sternly scolded Cali and Timi for being "naughty cats". They didn't care.
    Meanwhile, Buddy sat on my foot, expecting to be picked up, cuddled, and cooed over. His expectations were met.
    Timi was back on the countertop, so she was removed. Cali was thinking of making a leap to the counter, but a stern "NO!" deterred her momentarily. Meanwhile, Timi was back up and looking out the window.
    I decided since "NO!" wasn't working, I'd go to plan B, which is bribery. That worked for about three minutes until the treats were consumed and all three cats went back to doing what they wanted.
    When my husband came in and I told him about the proceedings, he wasn't sympathetic. He thought it was funny! I have the feeling that this was his way of telling me these were not going to be inside cats. He knew they were outside cats, but I'm a pushover for fur, and may have relented at the first sign of frost (they have an insulated, padded shelter on the patio). He is devious, but his plan sure worked!
  2. Gail-Steman

    Gail-Steman Young Pine

    Aug 22, 2018
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    Staffordshire-UK Zone 4
    So your hubby had you on the run around @marlingardener just to prove a point :shrug:….mind you they're 3 lucky cats to have an (insulated, padded shelter) they'll be fine mate as their body heat against one another will keep them warm.
    marlingardener likes this.
  3. Sherry8

    Sherry8 I Love Birds!

    Nov 6, 2007
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    Location: 5
    I have had indoor cats, never had any that went outdoors ever. My cats never wanted to go on the counters, table, etc. Not sure why exactly. They would sit on an end table to be able to look out the window until we bought a couple of those cat towers. They were ones they could scratch their nails on and a couple of shelves for them to lay on. This also kept them away from the dogs if they wanted to play with them. My dogs have always loved the cats we have had. The same goes for our big dogs, they never went on our furniture. We always sat on the floor with them when they wanted attention. In fact one of our labs would lay on the floor and my husband would use her as a pillow, she loved it. I bet your cats appreciated a nice warm place out of the weather.
    marlingardener and Gail-Steman like this.
  4. Gail-Steman

    Gail-Steman Young Pine

    Aug 22, 2018
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    Staffordshire-UK Zone 4
    Hi had a staffy with a cat and they adored one another proper playfull and both lived in doors...Rocky had a large cushion bed and the Bobby is own fur one...weird thing though about bobby he used to sit on the toile tank :rofl:
    Logan likes this.
  5. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Sherry8, our cats have a morning ritual--when we (he) puts the food bowl out, all three run into the kitchen. Timi goes for our garden shoes, Buddy wants to be picked up and cuddled, and Cali goes to the garage door and lays down until someone picks her up and rubs her tummy.
    On cool mornings they come boiling out of the shelter like circus clowns out of the little car and want fed.
    Our dogs were well behaved and stayed off furniture. After dinner I'd sit on the floor and the big hairy loving dog would "kind of" sit on my lap. I adore dogs, especially big hairy ones!
    Logan and Gail-Steman like this.

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