I had this plant last year, never put it in the ground, it died. My niece brought some stuff over at the beginning of the summer, yeah, I had this plant again. It almost died before I got it in the ground. Just one scraggly stalk. I planted it and it sat there. One day I noticed new stalks, and they kept coming, 2 and 3 feet away from the original. I started digging out the new shoots after I had a good sized clump. It must be the original stalk that is blooming, I hope they all bloom next year. It smells heavenly.
Really pretty flowers Sharon and such a delicate shade. :-D Something seems to be enjoying munching on it though.
Glenda, I don't know if it sets seed, but I will keep an eye on it for you. Eileen, I noticed that too, but not until I posted the pic. There is plenty of it to go around, but I will need to check and see what it is.
Very pretty plant Cajunbelle!! Glad it made it and is blooming for you!! It must be very exciting!!! I so wish I could smell it through the computer!lol
Ooo, I have LOTS of C.bungei, "glory bower". It runs (like crazy) underground! In fact, I call it a garden "ho" because it spreads itself around so freely. I still really like it, but it's one of those things that I may come to wish I had never set free . . . like mint. I deadheaded, and so I don't have any seeds, but I'd be happy to dig some out and share, too . . . . . . although . . . you might not thank me in the long run.
I love this pink and anything that smells good. I had a clerodendrun that was a double white type but I left it out in the cold 'cause I just didn't love it.
I run from those plants because they can come up through the neighbor's driveway or your kitchen floor. They are pretty tho.
Cajunbelle ,You can keep the seeds Thank you but I think it sounds like I might live to regret getting them as I feel about wisteria .I think everyone here knows how I feel about that tree chocker.